Source code for deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.pairtab_atomic_model

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import copy
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from deepmd.dpmodel.output_def import (
from deepmd.utils.pair_tab import (
from deepmd.utils.version import (

from .base_atomic_model import (

[docs] class PairTabAtomicModel(BaseAtomicModel): """Pairwise tabulation energy model. This model can be used to tabulate the pairwise energy between atoms for either short-range or long-range interactions, such as D3, LJ, ZBL, etc. It should not be used alone, but rather as one submodel of a linear (sum) model, such as DP+D3. Do not put the model on the first model of a linear model, since the linear model fetches the type map from the first model. At this moment, the model does not smooth the energy at the cutoff radius, so one needs to make sure the energy has been smoothed to zero. Parameters ---------- tab_file : str The path to the tabulation file. rcut : float The cutoff radius. sel : int or list[int] The maxmum number of atoms in the cut-off radius. type_map : list[str] Mapping atom type to the name (str) of the type. For example `type_map[1]` gives the name of the type 1. """ def __init__( self, tab_file: str, rcut: float, sel: Union[int, List[int]], type_map: List[str], rcond: Optional[float] = None, atom_ener: Optional[List[float]] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(type_map, **kwargs) super().init_out_stat() self.tab_file = tab_file self.rcut = rcut self.type_map = type_map = PairTab(self.tab_file, rcut=rcut) self.type_map = type_map self.ntypes = len(type_map) self.rcond = rcond self.atom_ener = atom_ener if self.tab_file is not None: self.tab_info, self.tab_data = nspline, ntypes_tab = self.tab_info[-2:].astype(int) self.tab_data = self.tab_data.reshape(ntypes_tab, ntypes_tab, nspline, 4) if self.ntypes != ntypes_tab: raise ValueError( "The `type_map` provided does not match the number of columns in the table." ) else: self.tab_info, self.tab_data = None, None if isinstance(sel, int): self.sel = sel elif isinstance(sel, list): self.sel = sum(sel) else: raise TypeError("sel must be int or list[int]")
[docs] def fitting_output_def(self) -> FittingOutputDef: return FittingOutputDef( [ OutputVariableDef( name="energy", shape=[1], reduciable=True, r_differentiable=True, c_differentiable=True, ) ] )
[docs] def get_rcut(self) -> float: return self.rcut
[docs] def get_type_map(self) -> List[str]: return self.type_map
[docs] def get_sel(self) -> List[int]: return [self.sel]
[docs] def get_nsel(self) -> int: return self.sel
[docs] def mixed_types(self) -> bool: """If true, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that does not distinguish different atomic types. If false, the model 1. assumes total number of atoms of each atom type aligned across frames; 2. uses a neighbor list that distinguishes different atomic types. """ # to match DPA1 and DPA2. return True
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: dd = BaseAtomicModel.serialize(self) dd.update( { "@class": "Model", "type": "pairtab", "@version": 2, "tab":, "rcut": self.rcut, "sel": self.sel, "type_map": self.type_map, } ) return dd
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data) -> "PairTabAtomicModel": data = copy.deepcopy(data) check_version_compatibility(data.pop("@version", 1), 2, 2) data.pop("@class") data.pop("type") tab = PairTab.deserialize(data.pop("tab")) data["tab_file"] = None tab_model = super().deserialize(data) = tab tab_model.tab_info = nspline, ntypes = tab_model.tab_info[-2:].astype(int) tab_model.tab_data =, ntypes, nspline, 4) return tab_model
[docs] def forward_atomic( self, extended_coord, extended_atype, nlist, mapping: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, aparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: nframes, nloc, nnei = nlist.shape extended_coord = extended_coord.reshape(nframes, -1, 3) # this will mask all -1 in the nlist mask = nlist >= 0 masked_nlist = nlist * mask atype = extended_atype[:, :nloc] # (nframes, nloc) pairwise_rr = self._get_pairwise_dist( extended_coord, masked_nlist ) # (nframes, nloc, nnei) self.tab_data = self.tab_data.reshape(,,, 4 ) # (nframes, nloc, nnei) j_type = extended_atype[ np.arange(extended_atype.shape[0])[:, None, None], masked_nlist ] raw_atomic_energy = self._pair_tabulated_inter( nlist, atype, j_type, pairwise_rr ) atomic_energy = 0.5 * np.sum( np.where(nlist != -1, raw_atomic_energy, np.zeros_like(raw_atomic_energy)), axis=-1, ).reshape(nframes, nloc, 1) return {"energy": atomic_energy}
[docs] def _pair_tabulated_inter( self, nlist: np.ndarray, i_type: np.ndarray, j_type: np.ndarray, rr: np.ndarray, ) -> np.ndarray: """Pairwise tabulated energy. Parameters ---------- nlist : np.ndarray The unmasked neighbour list. (nframes, nloc) i_type : np.ndarray The integer representation of atom type for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc) j_type : np.ndarray The integer representation of atom type for all neighbour atoms of all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei) rr : np.ndarray The salar distance vector between two atoms. (nframes, nloc, nnei) Returns ------- np.ndarray The masked atomic energy for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei) Raises ------ Exception If the distance is beyond the table. Notes ----- This function is used to calculate the pairwise energy between two atoms. It uses a table containing cubic spline coefficients calculated in PairTab. """ nframes, nloc, nnei = nlist.shape rmin = self.tab_info[0] hh = self.tab_info[1] hi = 1.0 / hh nspline = int(self.tab_info[2] + 0.1) uu = (rr - rmin) * hi # this is broadcasted to (nframes,nloc,nnei) # if nnei of atom 0 has -1 in the nlist, uu would be 0. # this is to handle the nlist where the mask is set to 0, so that we don't raise exception for those atoms. uu = np.where(nlist != -1, uu, nspline + 1) if np.any(uu < 0): raise Exception("coord go beyond table lower boundary") idx = uu.astype(int) uu -= idx table_coef = self._extract_spline_coefficient( i_type, j_type, idx, self.tab_data, nspline ) table_coef = table_coef.reshape(nframes, nloc, nnei, 4) ener = self._calculate_ener(table_coef, uu) # here we need to overwrite energy to zero at rcut and beyond. mask_beyond_rcut = rr >= self.rcut # also overwrite values beyond extrapolation to zero extrapolation_mask = rr >= + nspline * ener[mask_beyond_rcut] = 0 ener[extrapolation_mask] = 0 return ener
[docs] def _get_pairwise_dist(coords: np.ndarray, nlist: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Get pairwise distance `dr`. Parameters ---------- coords : np.ndarray The coordinate of the atoms, shape of (nframes, nall, 3). nlist The masked nlist, shape of (nframes, nloc, nnei). Returns ------- np.ndarray The pairwise distance between the atoms (nframes, nloc, nnei). """ batch_indices = np.arange(nlist.shape[0])[:, None, None] neighbor_atoms = coords[batch_indices, nlist] loc_atoms = coords[:, : nlist.shape[1], :] pairwise_dr = loc_atoms[:, :, None, :] - neighbor_atoms pairwise_rr = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(pairwise_dr, 2), axis=-1)) return pairwise_rr
[docs] def _extract_spline_coefficient( i_type: np.ndarray, j_type: np.ndarray, idx: np.ndarray, tab_data: np.ndarray, nspline: int, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract the spline coefficient from the table. Parameters ---------- i_type : np.ndarray The integer representation of atom type for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc) j_type : np.ndarray The integer representation of atom type for all neighbour atoms of all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei) idx : np.ndarray The index of the spline coefficient. (nframes, nloc, nnei) tab_data : np.ndarray The table storing all the spline coefficient. (ntype, ntype, nspline, 4) nspline : int The number of splines in the table. Returns ------- np.ndarray The spline coefficient. (nframes, nloc, nnei, 4), shape may be squeezed. """ # (nframes, nloc, nnei) expanded_i_type = np.broadcast_to( i_type[:, :, np.newaxis], (i_type.shape[0], i_type.shape[1], j_type.shape[-1]), ) # (nframes, nloc, nnei, nspline, 4) expanded_tab_data = tab_data[expanded_i_type, j_type] # (nframes, nloc, nnei, 1, 4) expanded_idx = np.broadcast_to( idx[..., np.newaxis, np.newaxis], (*idx.shape, 1, 4) ) clipped_indices = np.clip(expanded_idx, 0, nspline - 1).astype(int) # (nframes, nloc, nnei, 4) final_coef = np.squeeze( np.take_along_axis(expanded_tab_data, clipped_indices, 3) ) # when the spline idx is beyond the table, all spline coefficients are set to `0`, and the resulting ener corresponding to the idx is also `0`. final_coef[expanded_idx.squeeze() > nspline] = 0 return final_coef
[docs] def _calculate_ener(coef: np.ndarray, uu: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Calculate energy using spline coeeficients. Parameters ---------- coef : np.ndarray The spline coefficients. (nframes, nloc, nnei, 4) uu : np.ndarray The atom displancemnt used in interpolation and extrapolation (nframes, nloc, nnei) Returns ------- np.ndarray The atomic energy for all local atoms for all frames. (nframes, nloc, nnei) """ a3, a2, a1, a0 = coef[..., 0], coef[..., 1], coef[..., 2], coef[..., 3] etmp = (a3 * uu + a2) * uu + a1 # this should be elementwise operations. ener = etmp * uu + a0 # this energy has the extrapolated value when rcut > rmax return ener
[docs] def get_dim_fparam(self) -> int: """Get the number (dimension) of frame parameters of this atomic model.""" return 0
[docs] def get_dim_aparam(self) -> int: """Get the number (dimension) of atomic parameters of this atomic model.""" return 0
[docs] def get_sel_type(self) -> List[int]: """Get the selected atom types of this model. Only atoms with selected atom types have atomic contribution to the result of the model. If returning an empty list, all atom types are selected. """ return []
[docs] def is_aparam_nall(self) -> bool: """Check whether the shape of atomic parameters is (nframes, nall, ndim). If False, the shape is (nframes, nloc, ndim). """ return False