Source code for deepmd.dpmodel.model.spin_model

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import (

import numpy as np

from deepmd.dpmodel.atomic_model.dp_atomic_model import (
from deepmd.dpmodel.model.make_model import (
from deepmd.utils.spin import (

[docs] class SpinModel: """A spin model wrapper, with spin input preprocess and output split.""" def __init__( self, backbone_model, spin: Spin, ): super().__init__() self.backbone_model = backbone_model self.spin = spin self.ntypes_real = self.spin.ntypes_real self.virtual_scale_mask = self.spin.get_virtual_scale_mask() self.spin_mask = self.spin.get_spin_mask()
[docs] def process_spin_input(self, coord, atype, spin): """Generate virtual coordinates and types, concat into the input.""" nframes, nloc = coord.shape[:-1] atype_spin = np.concatenate([atype, atype + self.ntypes_real], axis=-1) virtual_coord = coord + spin * self.virtual_scale_mask[atype].reshape( [nframes, nloc, 1] ) coord_spin = np.concatenate([coord, virtual_coord], axis=-2) return coord_spin, atype_spin
[docs] def process_spin_input_lower( self, extended_coord: np.ndarray, extended_atype: np.ndarray, extended_spin: np.ndarray, nlist: np.ndarray, mapping: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, ): """ Add `extended_spin` into `extended_coord` to generate virtual atoms, and extend `nlist` and `mapping`. Note that the final `extended_coord_updated` with shape [nframes, nall + nall, 3] has the following order: - [:, :nloc]: original nloc real atoms. - [:, nloc: nloc + nloc]: virtual atoms corresponding to nloc real atoms. - [:, nloc + nloc: nloc + nall]: ghost real atoms. - [:, nloc + nall: nall + nall]: virtual atoms corresponding to ghost real atoms. """ nframes, nall = extended_coord.shape[:2] nloc = nlist.shape[1] virtual_extended_coord = ( extended_coord + extended_spin * self.virtual_scale_mask[extended_atype].reshape([nframes, nall, 1]) ) virtual_extended_atype = extended_atype + self.ntypes_real extended_coord_updated = self.concat_switch_virtual( extended_coord, virtual_extended_coord, nloc ) extended_atype_updated = self.concat_switch_virtual( extended_atype, virtual_extended_atype, nloc ) if mapping is not None: virtual_mapping = mapping + nloc mapping_updated = self.concat_switch_virtual(mapping, virtual_mapping, nloc) else: mapping_updated = None # extend the nlist nlist_updated = self.extend_nlist(extended_atype, nlist) return ( extended_coord_updated, extended_atype_updated, nlist_updated, mapping_updated, )
[docs] def process_spin_output( self, atype, out_tensor, add_mag: bool = True, virtual_scale: bool = True ): """Split the output both real and virtual atoms, and scale the latter.""" nframes, nloc_double = out_tensor.shape[:2] nloc = nloc_double // 2 if virtual_scale: virtual_scale_mask = self.virtual_scale_mask else: virtual_scale_mask = self.spin_mask atomic_mask = virtual_scale_mask[atype].reshape([nframes, nloc, 1]) out_real, out_mag = np.split(out_tensor, [nloc], axis=1) if add_mag: out_real = out_real + out_mag out_mag = (out_mag.reshape([nframes, nloc, -1]) * atomic_mask).reshape( out_mag.shape ) return out_real, out_mag, atomic_mask > 0.0
[docs] def process_spin_output_lower( self, extended_atype, extended_out_tensor, nloc: int, add_mag: bool = True, virtual_scale: bool = True, ): """Split the extended output of both real and virtual atoms with switch, and scale the latter.""" nframes, nall_double = extended_out_tensor.shape[:2] nall = nall_double // 2 if virtual_scale: virtual_scale_mask = self.virtual_scale_mask else: virtual_scale_mask = self.spin_mask atomic_mask = virtual_scale_mask[extended_atype].reshape([nframes, nall, 1]) extended_out_real = np.concatenate( [ extended_out_tensor[:, :nloc], extended_out_tensor[:, nloc + nloc : nloc + nall], ], axis=1, ) extended_out_mag = np.concatenate( [ extended_out_tensor[:, nloc : nloc + nloc], extended_out_tensor[:, nloc + nall :], ], axis=1, ) if add_mag: extended_out_real = extended_out_real + extended_out_mag extended_out_mag = ( extended_out_mag.reshape([nframes, nall, -1]) * atomic_mask ).reshape(extended_out_mag.shape) return extended_out_real, extended_out_mag, atomic_mask > 0.0
[docs] def extend_nlist(extended_atype, nlist): nframes, nloc, nnei = nlist.shape nall = extended_atype.shape[1] nlist_mask = nlist != -1 nlist[nlist == -1] = 0 nlist_shift = nlist + nall nlist[~nlist_mask] = -1 nlist_shift[~nlist_mask] = -1 self_spin = np.arange(0, nloc, dtype=nlist.dtype) + nall self_spin = self_spin.reshape(1, -1, 1).repeat(nframes, axis=0) # self spin + real neighbor + virtual neighbor # nf x nloc x (1 + nnei + nnei) extended_nlist = np.concatenate([self_spin, nlist, nlist_shift], axis=-1) # nf x (nloc + nloc) x (1 + nnei + nnei) extended_nlist = np.concatenate( [extended_nlist, -1 * np.ones_like(extended_nlist)], axis=-2 ) # update the index for switch first_part_index = (nloc <= extended_nlist) & (extended_nlist < nall) second_part_index = (nall <= extended_nlist) & (extended_nlist < (nall + nloc)) extended_nlist[first_part_index] += nloc extended_nlist[second_part_index] -= nall - nloc return extended_nlist
[docs] def concat_switch_virtual(extended_tensor, extended_tensor_virtual, nloc: int): nframes, nall = extended_tensor.shape[:2] out_shape = list(extended_tensor.shape) out_shape[1] *= 2 extended_tensor_updated = np.zeros( out_shape, dtype=extended_tensor.dtype, ) extended_tensor_updated[:, :nloc] = extended_tensor[:, :nloc] extended_tensor_updated[:, nloc : nloc + nloc] = extended_tensor_virtual[ :, :nloc ] extended_tensor_updated[:, nloc + nloc : nloc + nall] = extended_tensor[ :, nloc: ] extended_tensor_updated[:, nloc + nall :] = extended_tensor_virtual[:, nloc:] return extended_tensor_updated.reshape(out_shape)
[docs] def get_type_map(self) -> List[str]: """Get the type map.""" tmap = self.backbone_model.get_type_map() ntypes = len(tmap) // 2 # ignore the virtual type return tmap[:ntypes]
[docs] def get_rcut(self): """Get the cut-off radius.""" return self.backbone_model.get_rcut()
[docs] def get_dim_fparam(self): """Get the number (dimension) of frame parameters of this atomic model.""" return self.backbone_model.get_dim_fparam()
[docs] def get_dim_aparam(self): """Get the number (dimension) of atomic parameters of this atomic model.""" return self.backbone_model.get_dim_aparam()
[docs] def get_sel_type(self) -> List[int]: """Get the selected atom types of this model. Only atoms with selected atom types have atomic contribution to the result of the model. If returning an empty list, all atom types are selected. """ return self.backbone_model.get_sel_type()
[docs] def is_aparam_nall(self) -> bool: """Check whether the shape of atomic parameters is (nframes, nall, ndim). If False, the shape is (nframes, nloc, ndim). """ return self.backbone_model.is_aparam_nall()
[docs] def model_output_type(self) -> List[str]: """Get the output type for the model.""" return self.backbone_model.model_output_type()
[docs] def get_model_def_script(self) -> str: """Get the model definition script.""" return self.backbone_model.get_model_def_script()
[docs] def get_nnei(self) -> int: """Returns the total number of selected neighboring atoms in the cut-off radius.""" # for C++ interface if not self.backbone_model.mixed_types(): return self.backbone_model.get_nnei() // 2 # ignore the virtual selected else: return self.backbone_model.get_nnei()
[docs] def get_nsel(self) -> int: """Returns the total number of selected neighboring atoms in the cut-off radius.""" if not self.backbone_model.mixed_types(): return self.backbone_model.get_nsel() // 2 # ignore the virtual selected else: return self.backbone_model.get_nsel()
[docs] def has_spin() -> bool: """Returns whether it has spin input and output.""" return True
[docs] def __getattr__(self, name): """Get attribute from the wrapped model.""" if name in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[name] else: return getattr(self.backbone_model, name)
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: return { "backbone_model": self.backbone_model.serialize(), "spin": self.spin.serialize(), }
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data) -> "SpinModel": backbone_model_obj = make_model(DPAtomicModel).deserialize( data["backbone_model"] ) spin = Spin.deserialize(data["spin"]) return cls( backbone_model=backbone_model_obj, spin=spin, )
[docs] def call( self, coord, atype, spin, box: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, aparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, do_atomic_virial: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Return model prediction. Parameters ---------- coord The coordinates of the atoms. shape: nf x (nloc x 3) atype The type of atoms. shape: nf x nloc spin The spins of the atoms. shape: nf x (nloc x 3) box The simulation box. shape: nf x 9 fparam frame parameter. nf x ndf aparam atomic parameter. nf x nloc x nda do_atomic_virial If calculate the atomic virial. Returns ------- ret_dict The result dict of type Dict[str,np.ndarray]. The keys are defined by the `ModelOutputDef`. """ nframes, nloc = coord.shape[:2] coord_updated, atype_updated = self.process_spin_input(coord, atype, spin) model_predict = coord_updated, atype_updated, box, fparam=fparam, aparam=aparam, do_atomic_virial=do_atomic_virial, ) model_output_type = self.backbone_model.model_output_type() if "mask" in model_output_type: model_output_type.pop(model_output_type.index("mask")) var_name = model_output_type[0] model_predict[f"{var_name}"] = np.split( model_predict[f"{var_name}"], [nloc], axis=1 )[0] # for now omit the grad output return model_predict
[docs] def call_lower( self, extended_coord: np.ndarray, extended_atype: np.ndarray, extended_spin: np.ndarray, nlist: np.ndarray, mapping: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, aparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, do_atomic_virial: bool = False, ): """Return model prediction. Lower interface that takes extended atomic coordinates, types and spins, nlist, and mapping as input, and returns the predictions on the extended region. The predictions are not reduced. Parameters ---------- extended_coord coordinates in extended region. nf x (nall x 3). extended_atype atomic type in extended region. nf x nall. extended_spin spins in extended region. nf x (nall x 3). nlist neighbor list. nf x nloc x nsel. mapping maps the extended indices to local indices. nf x nall. fparam frame parameter. nf x ndf aparam atomic parameter. nf x nloc x nda do_atomic_virial whether calculate atomic virial Returns ------- result_dict the result dict, defined by the `FittingOutputDef`. """ nframes, nloc = nlist.shape[:2] ( extended_coord_updated, extended_atype_updated, nlist_updated, mapping_updated, ) = self.process_spin_input_lower( extended_coord, extended_atype, extended_spin, nlist, mapping=mapping ) model_predict = self.backbone_model.call_lower( extended_coord_updated, extended_atype_updated, nlist_updated, mapping=mapping_updated, fparam=fparam, aparam=aparam, do_atomic_virial=do_atomic_virial, ) model_output_type = self.backbone_model.model_output_type() if "mask" in model_output_type: model_output_type.pop(model_output_type.index("mask")) var_name = model_output_type[0] model_predict[f"{var_name}"] = np.split( model_predict[f"{var_name}"], [nloc], axis=1 )[0] # for now omit the grad output return model_predict