Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import torch

from deepmd.dpmodel.output_def import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_dipole import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_dos import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_eval import DeepEval as DeepEvalWrapper
from deepmd.infer.deep_eval import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_polar import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_pot import (
from deepmd.infer.deep_wfc import (
from import (
from import (
from import (
from import (
from import (
from import (

    import ase.neighborlist

[docs] class DeepEval(DeepEvalBackend): """PyTorch backend implementaion of DeepEval. Parameters ---------- model_file : Path The name of the frozen model file. output_def : ModelOutputDef The output definition of the model. *args : list Positional arguments. auto_batch_size : bool or int or AutomaticBatchSize, default: False If True, automatic batch size will be used. If int, it will be used as the initial batch size. neighbor_list : ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, optional The ASE neighbor list class to produce the neighbor list. If None, the neighbor list will be built natively in the model. **kwargs : dict Keyword arguments. """ def __init__( self, model_file: str, output_def: ModelOutputDef, *args: List[Any], auto_batch_size: Union[bool, int, AutoBatchSize] = True, neighbor_list: Optional["ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList"] = None, head: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ): self.output_def = output_def self.model_path = model_file if str(self.model_path).endswith(".pt"): state_dict = torch.load(model_file, map_location=env.DEVICE) if "model" in state_dict: state_dict = state_dict["model"] self.input_param = state_dict["_extra_state"]["model_params"] self.multi_task = "model_dict" in self.input_param if self.multi_task: model_keys = list(self.input_param["model_dict"].keys()) assert ( head is not None ), f"Head must be set for multitask model! Available heads are: {model_keys}" assert ( head in model_keys ), f"No head named {head} in model! Available heads are: {model_keys}" self.input_param = self.input_param["model_dict"][head] state_dict_head = {"_extra_state": state_dict["_extra_state"]} for item in state_dict: if f"model.{head}." in item: state_dict_head[ item.replace(f"model.{head}.", "model.Default.") ] = state_dict[item].clone() state_dict = state_dict_head self.input_param["resuming"] = True model = get_model(self.input_param).to(DEVICE) model = torch.jit.script(model) self.dp = ModelWrapper(model) self.dp.load_state_dict(state_dict) elif str(self.model_path).endswith(".pth"): model = torch.jit.load(model_file, map_location=env.DEVICE) self.dp = ModelWrapper(model) else: raise ValueError("Unknown model file format!") self.rcut = self.dp.model["Default"].get_rcut() self.type_map = self.dp.model["Default"].get_type_map() if isinstance(auto_batch_size, bool): if auto_batch_size: self.auto_batch_size = AutoBatchSize() else: self.auto_batch_size = None elif isinstance(auto_batch_size, int): self.auto_batch_size = AutoBatchSize(auto_batch_size) elif isinstance(auto_batch_size, AutoBatchSize): self.auto_batch_size = auto_batch_size else: raise TypeError("auto_batch_size should be bool, int, or AutoBatchSize") self._has_spin = getattr(self.dp.model["Default"], "has_spin", False) if callable(self._has_spin): self._has_spin = self._has_spin()
[docs] def get_rcut(self) -> float: """Get the cutoff radius of this model.""" return self.rcut
[docs] def get_ntypes(self) -> int: """Get the number of atom types of this model.""" return len(self.type_map)
[docs] def get_type_map(self) -> List[str]: """Get the type map (element name of the atom types) of this model.""" return self.type_map
[docs] def get_dim_fparam(self) -> int: """Get the number (dimension) of frame parameters of this DP.""" return self.dp.model["Default"].get_dim_fparam()
[docs] def get_dim_aparam(self) -> int: """Get the number (dimension) of atomic parameters of this DP.""" return self.dp.model["Default"].get_dim_aparam()
[docs] def model_type(self) -> "DeepEvalWrapper": """The the evaluator of the model type.""" model_output_type = self.dp.model["Default"].model_output_type() if "energy" in model_output_type: return DeepPot elif "dos" in model_output_type: return DeepDOS elif "dipole" in model_output_type: return DeepDipole elif "polar" in model_output_type: return DeepPolar elif "global_polar" in model_output_type: return DeepGlobalPolar elif "wfc" in model_output_type: return DeepWFC else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown model type")
[docs] def get_sel_type(self) -> List[int]: """Get the selected atom types of this model. Only atoms with selected atom types have atomic contribution to the result of the model. If returning an empty list, all atom types are selected. """ return self.dp.model["Default"].get_sel_type()
[docs] def get_numb_dos(self) -> int: """Get the number of DOS.""" return self.dp.model["Default"].get_numb_dos()
[docs] def get_has_efield(self): """Check if the model has efield.""" return False
[docs] def get_ntypes_spin(self): """Get the number of spin atom types of this model. Only used in old implement.""" return 0
[docs] def get_has_spin(self): """Check if the model has spin atom types.""" return self._has_spin
[docs] def eval( self, coords: np.ndarray, cells: np.ndarray, atom_types: np.ndarray, atomic: bool = False, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, aparam: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Evaluate the energy, force and virial by using this DP. Parameters ---------- coords The coordinates of atoms. The array should be of size nframes x natoms x 3 cells The cell of the region. If None then non-PBC is assumed, otherwise using PBC. The array should be of size nframes x 9 atom_types The atom types The list should contain natoms ints atomic Calculate the atomic energy and virial fparam The frame parameter. The array can be of size : - nframes x dim_fparam. - dim_fparam. Then all frames are assumed to be provided with the same fparam. aparam The atomic parameter The array can be of size : - nframes x natoms x dim_aparam. - natoms x dim_aparam. Then all frames are assumed to be provided with the same aparam. - dim_aparam. Then all frames and atoms are provided with the same aparam. **kwargs Other parameters Returns ------- output_dict : dict The output of the evaluation. The keys are the names of the output variables, and the values are the corresponding output arrays. """ # convert all of the input to numpy array atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=np.int32) coords = np.array(coords) if cells is not None: cells = np.array(cells) natoms, numb_test = self._get_natoms_and_nframes( coords, atom_types, len(atom_types.shape) > 1 ) request_defs = self._get_request_defs(atomic) if "spin" not in kwargs or kwargs["spin"] is None: out = self._eval_func(self._eval_model, numb_test, natoms)( coords, cells, atom_types, fparam, aparam, request_defs ) else: out = self._eval_func(self._eval_model_spin, numb_test, natoms)( coords, cells, atom_types, np.array(kwargs["spin"]), fparam, aparam, request_defs, ) return dict( zip( [ for x in request_defs], out, ) )
[docs] def _get_request_defs(self, atomic: bool) -> List[OutputVariableDef]: """Get the requested output definitions. When atomic is True, all output_def are requested. When atomic is False, only energy (tensor), force, and virial are requested. Parameters ---------- atomic : bool Whether to request the atomic output. Returns ------- list[OutputVariableDef] The requested output definitions. """ if atomic: return list(self.output_def.var_defs.values()) else: return [ x for x in self.output_def.var_defs.values() if x.category in ( OutputVariableCategory.OUT, OutputVariableCategory.REDU, OutputVariableCategory.DERV_R, OutputVariableCategory.DERV_C_REDU, ) ]
[docs] def _eval_func(self, inner_func: Callable, numb_test: int, natoms: int) -> Callable: """Wrapper method with auto batch size. Parameters ---------- inner_func : Callable the method to be wrapped numb_test : int number of tests natoms : int number of atoms Returns ------- Callable the wrapper """ if self.auto_batch_size is not None: def eval_func(*args, **kwargs): return self.auto_batch_size.execute_all( inner_func, numb_test, natoms, *args, **kwargs ) else: eval_func = inner_func return eval_func
[docs] def _get_natoms_and_nframes( self, coords: np.ndarray, atom_types: np.ndarray, mixed_type: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: if mixed_type: natoms = len(atom_types[0]) else: natoms = len(atom_types) if natoms == 0: assert coords.size == 0 else: coords = np.reshape(np.array(coords), [-1, natoms * 3]) nframes = coords.shape[0] return natoms, nframes
[docs] def _eval_model( self, coords: np.ndarray, cells: Optional[np.ndarray], atom_types: np.ndarray, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray], aparam: Optional[np.ndarray], request_defs: List[OutputVariableDef], ): model = nframes = coords.shape[0] if len(atom_types.shape) == 1: natoms = len(atom_types) atom_types = np.tile(atom_types, nframes).reshape(nframes, -1) else: natoms = len(atom_types[0]) coord_input = torch.tensor( coords.reshape([-1, natoms, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) type_input = torch.tensor(atom_types, dtype=torch.long, device=DEVICE) if cells is not None: box_input = torch.tensor( cells.reshape([-1, 3, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) else: box_input = None if fparam is not None: fparam_input = to_torch_tensor(fparam.reshape(-1, self.get_dim_fparam())) else: fparam_input = None if aparam is not None: aparam_input = to_torch_tensor( aparam.reshape(-1, natoms, self.get_dim_aparam()) ) else: aparam_input = None do_atomic_virial = any( x.category == OutputVariableCategory.DERV_C for x in request_defs ) batch_output = model( coord_input, type_input, box=box_input, do_atomic_virial=do_atomic_virial, fparam=fparam_input, aparam=aparam_input, ) if isinstance(batch_output, tuple): batch_output = batch_output[0] results = [] for odef in request_defs: pt_name = self._OUTDEF_DP2BACKEND[] if pt_name in batch_output: shape = self._get_output_shape(odef, nframes, natoms) out = batch_output[pt_name].reshape(shape).detach().cpu().numpy() results.append(out) else: shape = self._get_output_shape(odef, nframes, natoms) results.append(np.full(np.abs(shape), np.nan)) # this is kinda hacky return tuple(results)
[docs] def _eval_model_spin( self, coords: np.ndarray, cells: Optional[np.ndarray], atom_types: np.ndarray, spins: np.ndarray, fparam: Optional[np.ndarray], aparam: Optional[np.ndarray], request_defs: List[OutputVariableDef], ): model = nframes = coords.shape[0] if len(atom_types.shape) == 1: natoms = len(atom_types) atom_types = np.tile(atom_types, nframes).reshape(nframes, -1) else: natoms = len(atom_types[0]) coord_input = torch.tensor( coords.reshape([-1, natoms, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) type_input = torch.tensor(atom_types, dtype=torch.long, device=DEVICE) spin_input = torch.tensor( spins.reshape([-1, natoms, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) if cells is not None: box_input = torch.tensor( cells.reshape([-1, 3, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) else: box_input = None if fparam is not None: fparam_input = to_torch_tensor(fparam.reshape(-1, self.get_dim_fparam())) else: fparam_input = None if aparam is not None: aparam_input = to_torch_tensor( aparam.reshape(-1, natoms, self.get_dim_aparam()) ) else: aparam_input = None do_atomic_virial = any( x.category == OutputVariableCategory.DERV_C_REDU for x in request_defs ) batch_output = model( coord_input, type_input, spin=spin_input, box=box_input, do_atomic_virial=do_atomic_virial, fparam=fparam_input, aparam=aparam_input, ) if isinstance(batch_output, tuple): batch_output = batch_output[0] results = [] for odef in request_defs: pt_name = self._OUTDEF_DP2BACKEND[] if pt_name in batch_output: shape = self._get_output_shape(odef, nframes, natoms) out = batch_output[pt_name].reshape(shape).detach().cpu().numpy() results.append(out) else: shape = self._get_output_shape(odef, nframes, natoms) results.append(np.full(np.abs(shape), np.nan)) # this is kinda hacky return tuple(results)
[docs] def _get_output_shape(self, odef, nframes, natoms): if odef.category == OutputVariableCategory.DERV_C_REDU: # virial return [nframes, *odef.shape[:-1], 9] elif odef.category == OutputVariableCategory.REDU: # energy return [nframes, *odef.shape, 1] elif odef.category == OutputVariableCategory.DERV_C: # atom_virial return [nframes, *odef.shape[:-1], natoms, 9] elif odef.category == OutputVariableCategory.DERV_R: # force return [nframes, *odef.shape[:-1], natoms, 3] elif odef.category == OutputVariableCategory.OUT: # atom_energy, atom_tensor # Something wrong here? # return [nframes, *shape, natoms, 1] return [nframes, natoms, *odef.shape, 1] else: raise RuntimeError("unknown category")
# For tests only
[docs] def eval_model( model, coords: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], cells: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]], atom_types: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor, List[int]], spins: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, atomic: bool = False, infer_batch_size: int = 2, denoise: bool = False, ): model = energy_out = [] atomic_energy_out = [] force_out = [] force_mag_out = [] virial_out = [] atomic_virial_out = [] updated_coord_out = [] logits_out = [] err_msg = ( f"All inputs should be the same format, " f"but found {type(coords)}, {type(cells)}, {type(atom_types)} instead! " ) return_tensor = True if isinstance(coords, torch.Tensor): if cells is not None: assert isinstance(cells, torch.Tensor), err_msg if spins is not None: assert isinstance(spins, torch.Tensor), err_msg assert isinstance(atom_types, torch.Tensor) or isinstance(atom_types, list) atom_types = torch.tensor(atom_types, dtype=torch.long, device=DEVICE) elif isinstance(coords, np.ndarray): if cells is not None: assert isinstance(cells, np.ndarray), err_msg if spins is not None: assert isinstance(spins, np.ndarray), err_msg assert isinstance(atom_types, np.ndarray) or isinstance(atom_types, list) atom_types = np.array(atom_types, dtype=np.int32) return_tensor = False nframes = coords.shape[0] if len(atom_types.shape) == 1: natoms = len(atom_types) if isinstance(atom_types, torch.Tensor): atom_types = torch.tile(atom_types.unsqueeze(0), [nframes, 1]).reshape( nframes, -1 ) else: atom_types = np.tile(atom_types, nframes).reshape(nframes, -1) else: natoms = len(atom_types[0]) coord_input = torch.tensor( coords.reshape([-1, natoms, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) spin_input = None if spins is not None: spin_input = torch.tensor( spins.reshape([-1, natoms, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE, ) has_spin = getattr(model, "has_spin", False) if callable(has_spin): has_spin = has_spin() type_input = torch.tensor(atom_types, dtype=torch.long, device=DEVICE) box_input = None if cells is None: pbc = False else: pbc = True box_input = torch.tensor( cells.reshape([-1, 3, 3]), dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) num_iter = int((nframes + infer_batch_size - 1) / infer_batch_size) for ii in range(num_iter): batch_coord = coord_input[ii * infer_batch_size : (ii + 1) * infer_batch_size] batch_atype = type_input[ii * infer_batch_size : (ii + 1) * infer_batch_size] batch_box = None batch_spin = None if spin_input is not None: batch_spin = spin_input[ii * infer_batch_size : (ii + 1) * infer_batch_size] if pbc: batch_box = box_input[ii * infer_batch_size : (ii + 1) * infer_batch_size] input_dict = { "coord": batch_coord, "atype": batch_atype, "box": batch_box, "do_atomic_virial": atomic, } if has_spin: input_dict["spin"] = batch_spin batch_output = model(**input_dict) if isinstance(batch_output, tuple): batch_output = batch_output[0] if not return_tensor: if "energy" in batch_output: energy_out.append(batch_output["energy"].detach().cpu().numpy()) if "atom_energy" in batch_output: atomic_energy_out.append( batch_output["atom_energy"].detach().cpu().numpy() ) if "force" in batch_output: force_out.append(batch_output["force"].detach().cpu().numpy()) if "force_mag" in batch_output: force_mag_out.append(batch_output["force_mag"].detach().cpu().numpy()) if "virial" in batch_output: virial_out.append(batch_output["virial"].detach().cpu().numpy()) if "atom_virial" in batch_output: atomic_virial_out.append( batch_output["atom_virial"].detach().cpu().numpy() ) if "updated_coord" in batch_output: updated_coord_out.append( batch_output["updated_coord"].detach().cpu().numpy() ) if "logits" in batch_output: logits_out.append(batch_output["logits"].detach().cpu().numpy()) else: if "energy" in batch_output: energy_out.append(batch_output["energy"]) if "atom_energy" in batch_output: atomic_energy_out.append(batch_output["atom_energy"]) if "force" in batch_output: force_out.append(batch_output["force"]) if "force_mag" in batch_output: force_mag_out.append(batch_output["force_mag"]) if "virial" in batch_output: virial_out.append(batch_output["virial"]) if "atom_virial" in batch_output: atomic_virial_out.append(batch_output["atom_virial"]) if "updated_coord" in batch_output: updated_coord_out.append(batch_output["updated_coord"]) if "logits" in batch_output: logits_out.append(batch_output["logits"]) if not return_tensor: energy_out = ( np.concatenate(energy_out) if energy_out else np.zeros([nframes, 1]) ) atomic_energy_out = ( np.concatenate(atomic_energy_out) if atomic_energy_out else np.zeros([nframes, natoms, 1]) ) force_out = ( np.concatenate(force_out) if force_out else np.zeros([nframes, natoms, 3]) ) force_mag_out = ( np.concatenate(force_mag_out) if force_mag_out else np.zeros([nframes, natoms, 3]) ) virial_out = ( np.concatenate(virial_out) if virial_out else np.zeros([nframes, 3, 3]) ) atomic_virial_out = ( np.concatenate(atomic_virial_out) if atomic_virial_out else np.zeros([nframes, natoms, 3, 3]) ) updated_coord_out = ( np.concatenate(updated_coord_out) if updated_coord_out else None ) logits_out = np.concatenate(logits_out) if logits_out else None else: energy_out = ( if energy_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, 1], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) atomic_energy_out = ( if atomic_energy_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, natoms, 1], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) force_out = ( if force_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, natoms, 3], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) force_mag_out = ( if force_mag_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, natoms, 3], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) virial_out = ( if virial_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, 3, 3], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) atomic_virial_out = ( if atomic_virial_out else torch.zeros( [nframes, natoms, 3, 3], dtype=GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=DEVICE ) ) updated_coord_out = if updated_coord_out else None logits_out = if logits_out else None if denoise: return updated_coord_out, logits_out else: results_dict = { "energy": energy_out, "force": force_out, "virial": virial_out, } if has_spin: results_dict["force_mag"] = force_mag_out if atomic: results_dict["atom_energy"] = atomic_energy_out results_dict["atom_virial"] = atomic_virial_out return results_dict