Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
from typing import (

import torch
import torch.nn as nn

from import (
from import (
from import (
from deepmd.utils.path import (

[docs] class DescrptGaussianLcc(torch.nn.Module, BaseDescriptor): def __init__( self, rcut, rcut_smth, sel: int, ntypes: int, num_pair: int, embed_dim: int = 768, kernel_num: int = 128, pair_embed_dim: int = 64, num_block: int = 1, layer_num: int = 12, attn_head: int = 48, pair_hidden_dim: int = 16, ffn_embedding_dim: int = 768, dropout: float = 0.0, droppath_prob: float = 0.1, pair_dropout: float = 0.25, attention_dropout: float = 0.1, activation_dropout: float = 0.1, pre_ln: bool = True, do_tag_embedding: bool = False, tag_ener_pref: bool = False, atomic_sum_gbf: bool = False, pre_add_seq: bool = True, tri_update: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Construct a descriptor of Gaussian Based Local Cluster. Args: - rcut: Cut-off radius. - rcut_smth: Smooth hyper-parameter for pair force & energy. **Not used in this descriptor**. - sel: For each element type, how many atoms is selected as neighbors. - ntypes: Number of atom types. - num_pair: Number of atom type pairs. Default is 2 * ntypes. - kernel_num: Number of gaussian kernels. - embed_dim: Dimension of atomic representation. - pair_embed_dim: Dimension of pair representation. - num_block: Number of evoformer blocks. - layer_num: Number of attention layers. - attn_head: Number of attention heads. - pair_hidden_dim: Hidden dimension of pair representation during attention process. - ffn_embedding_dim: Dimension during feed forward network. - dropout: Dropout probability of atomic representation. - droppath_prob: If not zero, it will use drop paths (Stochastic Depth) per sample and ignore `dropout`. - pair_dropout: Dropout probability of pair representation during triangular update. - attention_dropout: Dropout probability during attetion process. - activation_dropout: Dropout probability of pair feed forward network. - pre_ln: Do previous layer norm or not. - do_tag_embedding: Add tag embedding to atomic and pair representations. (`tags`, `tags2`, `tags3` must exist) - atomic_sum_gbf: Add sum of gaussian outputs to atomic representation or not. - pre_add_seq: Add output of other descriptor (if has) to the atomic representation before attention. """ super().__init__() self.rcut = rcut self.rcut_smth = rcut_smth self.embed_dim = embed_dim self.num_pair = num_pair self.kernel_num = kernel_num self.pair_embed_dim = pair_embed_dim self.num_block = num_block self.layer_num = layer_num self.attention_heads = attn_head self.pair_hidden_dim = pair_hidden_dim self.ffn_embedding_dim = ffn_embedding_dim self.dropout = dropout self.droppath_prob = droppath_prob self.pair_dropout = pair_dropout self.attention_dropout = attention_dropout self.activation_dropout = activation_dropout self.pre_ln = pre_ln self.do_tag_embedding = do_tag_embedding self.tag_ener_pref = tag_ener_pref self.atomic_sum_gbf = atomic_sum_gbf self.local_cluster = True self.pre_add_seq = pre_add_seq self.tri_update = tri_update if isinstance(sel, int): sel = [sel] self.ntypes = ntypes self.sec = torch.tensor(sel) self.nnei = sum(sel) if self.do_tag_embedding: self.tag_encoder = nn.Embedding(3, self.embed_dim) self.tag_encoder2 = nn.Embedding(2, self.embed_dim) self.tag_type_embedding = TypeEmbedNet(10, pair_embed_dim) self.edge_type_embedding = nn.Embedding( (ntypes + 1) * (ntypes + 1), pair_embed_dim, padding_idx=(ntypes + 1) * (ntypes + 1) - 1, dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, ) self.gaussian_encoder = GaussianEmbedding( rcut, kernel_num, num_pair, embed_dim, pair_embed_dim, sel, ntypes, atomic_sum_gbf, ) self.backbone = Evoformer3bEncoder( self.nnei, layer_num=self.layer_num, attn_head=self.attention_heads, atomic_dim=self.embed_dim, pair_dim=self.pair_embed_dim, pair_hidden_dim=self.pair_hidden_dim, ffn_embedding_dim=self.ffn_embedding_dim, dropout=self.dropout, droppath_prob=self.droppath_prob, pair_dropout=self.pair_dropout, attention_dropout=self.attention_dropout, activation_dropout=self.activation_dropout, pre_ln=self.pre_ln, tri_update=self.tri_update, ) @property
[docs] def dim_out(self): """Returns the output dimension of atomic representation.""" return self.embed_dim
[docs] def dim_in(self): """Returns the atomic input dimension of this descriptor.""" return self.embed_dim
[docs] def dim_emb(self): """Returns the output dimension of pair representation.""" return self.pair_embed_dim
[docs] def compute_input_stats(self, merged: List[dict], path: Optional[DPPath] = None): """Update mean and stddev for descriptor elements.""" pass
[docs] def forward( self, extended_coord, nlist, atype, nlist_type, nlist_loc=None, atype_tebd=None, nlist_tebd=None, seq_input=None, ): """Calculate the atomic and pair representations of this descriptor. Args: - extended_coord: Copied atom coordinates with shape [nframes, nall, 3]. - nlist: Neighbor list with shape [nframes, nloc, nnei]. - atype: Atom type with shape [nframes, nloc]. - nlist_type: Atom type of neighbors with shape [nframes, nloc, nnei]. - nlist_loc: Local index of neighbor list with shape [nframes, nloc, nnei]. - atype_tebd: Atomic type embedding with shape [nframes, nloc, tebd_dim]. - nlist_tebd: Type embeddings of neighbor with shape [nframes, nloc, nnei, tebd_dim]. - seq_input: The sequential input from other descriptor with shape [nframes, nloc, tebd_dim] or [nframes * nloc, 1 + nnei, tebd_dim] Returns ------- - result: descriptor with shape [nframes, nloc, self.filter_neuron[-1] * self.axis_neuron]. - ret: environment matrix with shape [nframes, nloc, self.neei, out_size] """ nframes, nloc = nlist.shape[:2] nall = extended_coord.shape[1] nlist2 = [ torch.arange(0, nloc, device=nlist.device) .reshape(1, nloc, 1) .expand(nframes, -1, -1), nlist, ], dim=-1, ) nlist_loc2 = [ torch.arange(0, nloc, device=nlist_loc.device) .reshape(1, nloc, 1) .expand(nframes, -1, -1), nlist_loc, ], dim=-1, ) nlist_type2 =[atype.reshape(nframes, nloc, 1), nlist_type], dim=-1) nnei2_mask = nlist2 != -1 padding_mask = nlist2 == -1 nlist2 = nlist2 * nnei2_mask nlist_loc2 = nlist_loc2 * nnei2_mask # nframes x nloc x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) pair_mask = nnei2_mask.unsqueeze(-1) * nnei2_mask.unsqueeze(-2) # nframes x nloc x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x head attn_mask = torch.zeros( [nframes, nloc, 1 + self.nnei, 1 + self.nnei, self.attention_heads], device=nlist.device, dtype=extended_coord.dtype, ) attn_mask.masked_fill_(padding_mask.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(-1), float("-inf")) # (nframes x nloc) x head x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) attn_mask = ( attn_mask.reshape( nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, 1 + self.nnei, self.attention_heads ) .permute(0, 3, 1, 2) .contiguous() ) # Atomic feature # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x tebd_dim] atom_feature = torch.gather( atype_tebd, dim=1, index=nlist_loc2.reshape(nframes, -1) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(-1, -1, self.embed_dim), ).reshape(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, self.embed_dim) if self.pre_add_seq and seq_input is not None: first_dim = seq_input.shape[0] if first_dim == nframes * nloc: atom_feature += seq_input elif first_dim == nframes: atom_feature_seq = torch.gather( seq_input, dim=1, index=nlist_loc2.reshape(nframes, -1) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(-1, -1, self.embed_dim), ).reshape(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, self.embed_dim) atom_feature += atom_feature_seq else: raise RuntimeError atom_feature = atom_feature * nnei2_mask.reshape( nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, 1 ) # Pair feature # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2)] nlist_type2_reshape = nlist_type2.reshape(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei) # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2)] edge_type = nlist_type2_reshape.unsqueeze(-1) * ( self.ntypes + 1 ) + nlist_type2_reshape.unsqueeze(-2) # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x pair_dim] edge_feature = self.edge_type_embedding(edge_type) # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x 2] edge_type_2dim = [ nlist_type2_reshape.view(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, 1, 1).expand( -1, -1, 1 + self.nnei, -1 ), nlist_type2_reshape.view(nframes * nloc, 1, 1 + self.nnei, 1).expand( -1, 1 + self.nnei, -1, -1 ) + self.ntypes, ], dim=-1, ) # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x 3] coord_selected = torch.gather( extended_coord.unsqueeze(1) .expand(-1, nloc, -1, -1) .reshape(nframes * nloc, nall, 3), dim=1, index=nlist2.reshape(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei, 1).expand(-1, -1, 3), ) # Update pair features (or and atomic features) with gbf features # delta_pos: [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x 3]. atomic_feature, pair_feature, delta_pos = self.gaussian_encoder( coord_selected, atom_feature, edge_type_2dim, edge_feature ) # [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x pair_dim] attn_bias = pair_feature # output: [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x tebd_dim] # pair: [(nframes x nloc) x (1 + nnei2) x (1 + nnei2) x pair_dim] output, pair = self.backbone( atomic_feature, pair=attn_bias, attn_mask=attn_mask, pair_mask=pair_mask, atom_mask=nnei2_mask.reshape(nframes * nloc, 1 + self.nnei), ) return output, pair, delta_pos, None