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from typing import (

import torch

from import (
from import (
from import (

[docs] def torch_linear(*args, **kwargs): return torch.nn.Linear( *args, **kwargs, dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=env.DEVICE )
[docs] def _make_nei_g1( g1_ext: torch.Tensor, nlist: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: # nlist: nb x nloc x nnei nb, nloc, nnei = nlist.shape # g1_ext: nb x nall x ng1 ng1 = g1_ext.shape[-1] # index: nb x (nloc x nnei) x ng1 index = nlist.reshape(nb, nloc * nnei).unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, -1, ng1) # gg1 : nb x (nloc x nnei) x ng1 gg1 = torch.gather(g1_ext, dim=1, index=index) # gg1 : nb x nloc x nnei x ng1 gg1 = gg1.view(nb, nloc, nnei, ng1) return gg1
[docs] def _apply_nlist_mask( gg: torch.Tensor, nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: # gg: nf x nloc x nnei x ng # msk: nf x nloc x nnei return gg.masked_fill(~nlist_mask.unsqueeze(-1), 0.0)
[docs] def _apply_switch(gg: torch.Tensor, sw: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # gg: nf x nloc x nnei x ng # sw: nf x nloc x nnei return gg * sw.unsqueeze(-1)
[docs] def _apply_h_norm( hh: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 ) -> torch.Tensor: """Normalize h by the std of vector length. do not have an idea if this is a good way. """ nf, nl, nnei, _ = hh.shape # nf x nloc x nnei normh = torch.linalg.norm(hh, dim=-1) # nf x nloc std = torch.std(normh, dim=-1) # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 hh = hh[:, :, :, :] / (1.0 + std[:, :, None, None]) return hh
[docs] class Atten2Map(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, ni: int, nd: int, nh: int, has_gate: bool = False, # apply gate to attn map smooth: bool = True, attnw_shift: float = 20.0, ): super().__init__() = ni self.nd = nd self.nh = nh self.mapqk = SimpleLinear(ni, nd * 2 * nh, bias=False) self.has_gate = has_gate self.smooth = smooth self.attnw_shift = attnw_shift
[docs] def forward( self, g2: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 h2: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei x 3 nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei sw: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei ) -> torch.Tensor: ( nb, nloc, nnei, _, ) = g2.shape nd, nh = self.nd, self.nh # nb x nloc x nnei x nd x (nh x 2) g2qk = self.mapqk(g2).view(nb, nloc, nnei, nd, nh * 2) # nb x nloc x (nh x 2) x nnei x nd g2qk = torch.permute(g2qk, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) # nb x nloc x nh x nnei x nd g2q, g2k = torch.split(g2qk, nh, dim=2) # g2q = torch.nn.functional.normalize(g2q, dim=-1) # g2k = torch.nn.functional.normalize(g2k, dim=-1) # nb x nloc x nh x nnei x nnei attnw = torch.matmul(g2q, torch.transpose(g2k, -1, -2)) / nd**0.5 if self.has_gate: gate = torch.matmul(h2, torch.transpose(h2, -1, -2)).unsqueeze(-3) attnw = attnw * gate # mask the attenmap, nb x nloc x 1 x 1 x nnei attnw_mask = ~nlist_mask.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(2) # mask the attenmap, nb x nloc x 1 x nnei x 1 attnw_mask_c = ~nlist_mask.unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(-1) if self.smooth: attnw = (attnw + self.attnw_shift) * sw[:, :, None, :, None] * sw[ :, :, None, None, : ] - self.attnw_shift else: attnw = attnw.masked_fill( attnw_mask, float("-inf"), ) attnw = torch.softmax(attnw, dim=-1) attnw = attnw.masked_fill( attnw_mask, 0.0, ) # nb x nloc x nh x nnei x nnei attnw = attnw.masked_fill( attnw_mask_c, 0.0, ) if self.smooth: attnw = attnw * sw[:, :, None, :, None] * sw[:, :, None, None, :] # nb x nloc x nnei x nnei h2h2t = torch.matmul(h2, torch.transpose(h2, -1, -2)) / 3.0**0.5 # nb x nloc x nh x nnei x nnei ret = attnw * h2h2t[:, :, None, :, :] # ret = torch.softmax(g2qk, dim=-1) # nb x nloc x nnei x nnei x nh ret = torch.permute(ret, (0, 1, 3, 4, 2)) return ret
[docs] class Atten2MultiHeadApply(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, ni: int, nh: int, ): super().__init__() = ni self.nh = nh self.mapv = SimpleLinear(ni, ni * nh, bias=False) self.head_map = SimpleLinear(ni * nh, ni)
[docs] def forward( self, AA: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x nnei x nh g2: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 ) -> torch.Tensor: nf, nloc, nnei, ng2 = g2.shape nh = self.nh # nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 x nh g2v = self.mapv(g2).view(nf, nloc, nnei, ng2, nh) # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x ng2 g2v = torch.permute(g2v, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) # g2v = torch.nn.functional.normalize(g2v, dim=-1) # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x nnei AA = torch.permute(AA, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x ng2 ret = torch.matmul(AA, g2v) # nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 x nh ret = torch.permute(ret, (0, 1, 3, 4, 2)).reshape(nf, nloc, nnei, (ng2 * nh)) # nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 return self.head_map(ret)
[docs] class Atten2EquiVarApply(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, ni: int, nh: int, ): super().__init__() = ni self.nh = nh self.head_map = SimpleLinear(nh, 1, bias=False)
[docs] def forward( self, AA: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x nnei x nh h2: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 ) -> torch.Tensor: nf, nloc, nnei, _ = h2.shape nh = self.nh # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x nnei AA = torch.permute(AA, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) h2m = torch.unsqueeze(h2, dim=2) # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x 3 h2m = torch.tile(h2m, [1, 1, nh, 1, 1]) # nf x nloc x nh x nnei x 3 ret = torch.matmul(AA, h2m) # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 x nh ret = torch.permute(ret, (0, 1, 3, 4, 2)).view(nf, nloc, nnei, 3, nh) # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 return torch.squeeze(self.head_map(ret), dim=-1)
[docs] class LocalAtten(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, ni: int, nd: int, nh: int, smooth: bool = True, attnw_shift: float = 20.0, ): super().__init__() = ni self.nd = nd self.nh = nh self.mapq = SimpleLinear(ni, nd * 1 * nh, bias=False) self.mapkv = SimpleLinear(ni, (nd + ni) * nh, bias=False) self.head_map = SimpleLinear(ni * nh, ni) self.smooth = smooth self.attnw_shift = attnw_shift
[docs] def forward( self, g1: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x ng1 gg1: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei x ng1 nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei sw: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei ) -> torch.Tensor: nb, nloc, nnei = nlist_mask.shape ni, nd, nh =, self.nd, self.nh assert ni == g1.shape[-1] assert ni == gg1.shape[-1] # nb x nloc x nd x nh g1q = self.mapq(g1).view(nb, nloc, nd, nh) # nb x nloc x nh x nd g1q = torch.permute(g1q, (0, 1, 3, 2)) # nb x nloc x nnei x (nd+ni) x nh gg1kv = self.mapkv(gg1).view(nb, nloc, nnei, nd + ni, nh) gg1kv = torch.permute(gg1kv, (0, 1, 4, 2, 3)) # nb x nloc x nh x nnei x nd, nb x nloc x nh x nnei x ng1 gg1k, gg1v = torch.split(gg1kv, [nd, ni], dim=-1) # nb x nloc x nh x 1 x nnei attnw = torch.matmul(g1q.unsqueeze(-2), torch.transpose(gg1k, -1, -2)) / nd**0.5 # nb x nloc x nh x nnei attnw = attnw.squeeze(-2) # mask the attenmap, nb x nloc x 1 x nnei attnw_mask = ~nlist_mask.unsqueeze(-2) # nb x nloc x nh x nnei if self.smooth: attnw = (attnw + self.attnw_shift) * sw.unsqueeze(-2) - self.attnw_shift else: attnw = attnw.masked_fill( attnw_mask, float("-inf"), ) attnw = torch.softmax(attnw, dim=-1) attnw = attnw.masked_fill( attnw_mask, 0.0, ) if self.smooth: attnw = attnw * sw.unsqueeze(-2) # nb x nloc x nh x ng1 ret = ( torch.matmul(attnw.unsqueeze(-2), gg1v).squeeze(-2).view(nb, nloc, nh * ni) ) # nb x nloc x ng1 ret = self.head_map(ret) return ret
[docs] class RepformerLayer(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, rcut, rcut_smth, sel: int, ntypes: int, g1_dim=128, g2_dim=16, axis_dim: int = 4, update_chnnl_2: bool = True, do_bn_mode: str = "no", bn_momentum: float = 0.1, update_g1_has_conv: bool = True, update_g1_has_drrd: bool = True, update_g1_has_grrg: bool = True, update_g1_has_attn: bool = True, update_g2_has_g1g1: bool = True, update_g2_has_attn: bool = True, update_h2: bool = False, attn1_hidden: int = 64, attn1_nhead: int = 4, attn2_hidden: int = 16, attn2_nhead: int = 4, attn2_has_gate: bool = False, activation_function: str = "tanh", update_style: str = "res_avg", set_davg_zero: bool = True, # TODO smooth: bool = True, ): super().__init__() self.epsilon = 1e-4 # protection of 1./nnei self.rcut = rcut self.rcut_smth = rcut_smth self.ntypes = ntypes sel = [sel] if isinstance(sel, int) else sel self.nnei = sum(sel) assert len(sel) == 1 self.sel = torch.tensor(sel, device=env.DEVICE) self.sec = self.sel self.axis_dim = axis_dim self.set_davg_zero = set_davg_zero self.do_bn_mode = do_bn_mode self.bn_momentum = bn_momentum self.act = ActivationFn(activation_function) self.update_g1_has_grrg = update_g1_has_grrg self.update_g1_has_drrd = update_g1_has_drrd self.update_g1_has_conv = update_g1_has_conv self.update_g1_has_attn = update_g1_has_attn self.update_chnnl_2 = update_chnnl_2 self.update_g2_has_g1g1 = update_g2_has_g1g1 if self.update_chnnl_2 else False self.update_g2_has_attn = update_g2_has_attn if self.update_chnnl_2 else False self.update_h2 = update_h2 if self.update_chnnl_2 else False del update_g2_has_g1g1, update_g2_has_attn, update_h2 self.update_style = update_style self.smooth = smooth self.g1_dim = g1_dim self.g2_dim = g2_dim g1_in_dim = self.cal_1_dim(g1_dim, g2_dim, self.axis_dim) self.linear1 = SimpleLinear(g1_in_dim, g1_dim) self.linear2 = None self.proj_g1g2 = None self.proj_g1g1g2 = None self.attn2g_map = None self.attn2_mh_apply = None self.attn2_lm = None self.attn2h_map = None self.attn2_ev_apply = None self.loc_attn = None if self.update_chnnl_2: self.linear2 = SimpleLinear(g2_dim, g2_dim) if self.update_g1_has_conv: self.proj_g1g2 = SimpleLinear(g1_dim, g2_dim, bias=False) if self.update_g2_has_g1g1: self.proj_g1g1g2 = SimpleLinear(g1_dim, g2_dim, bias=False) if self.update_g2_has_attn: self.attn2g_map = Atten2Map( g2_dim, attn2_hidden, attn2_nhead, attn2_has_gate, self.smooth ) self.attn2_mh_apply = Atten2MultiHeadApply(g2_dim, attn2_nhead) self.attn2_lm = torch.nn.LayerNorm( g2_dim, elementwise_affine=True, device=env.DEVICE, dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, ) if self.update_h2: self.attn2h_map = Atten2Map( g2_dim, attn2_hidden, attn2_nhead, attn2_has_gate, self.smooth ) self.attn2_ev_apply = Atten2EquiVarApply(g2_dim, attn2_nhead) if self.update_g1_has_attn: self.loc_attn = LocalAtten(g1_dim, attn1_hidden, attn1_nhead, self.smooth) if self.do_bn_mode == "uniform": self.bn1 = self._bn_layer() self.bn2 = self._bn_layer() elif self.do_bn_mode == "component": self.bn1 = self._bn_layer(nf=g1_dim) self.bn2 = self._bn_layer(nf=g2_dim) elif self.do_bn_mode == "no": self.bn1, self.bn2 = None, None else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown bn_mode {self.do_bn_mode}")
[docs] def cal_1_dim(self, g1d: int, g2d: int, ax: int) -> int: ret = g1d if self.update_g1_has_grrg: ret += g2d * ax if self.update_g1_has_drrd: ret += g1d * ax if self.update_g1_has_conv: ret += g2d return ret
[docs] def _update_h2( self, g2: torch.Tensor, h2: torch.Tensor, nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, sw: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: assert self.attn2h_map is not None assert self.attn2_ev_apply is not None nb, nloc, nnei, _ = g2.shape # # nb x nloc x nnei x nh2 # h2_1 = self.attn2_ev_apply(AA, h2) # h2_update.append(h2_1) # nb x nloc x nnei x nnei x nh AAh = self.attn2h_map(g2, h2, nlist_mask, sw) # nb x nloc x nnei x nh2 h2_1 = self.attn2_ev_apply(AAh, h2) return h2_1
[docs] def _update_g1_conv( self, gg1: torch.Tensor, g2: torch.Tensor, nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, sw: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: assert self.proj_g1g2 is not None nb, nloc, nnei, _ = g2.shape ng1 = gg1.shape[-1] ng2 = g2.shape[-1] # gg1 : nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 gg1 = self.proj_g1g2(gg1).view(nb, nloc, nnei, ng2) # nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 gg1 = _apply_nlist_mask(gg1, nlist_mask) if not self.smooth: # normalized by number of neighbors, not smooth # nb x nloc x 1 invnnei = 1.0 / (self.epsilon + torch.sum(nlist_mask, dim=-1)).unsqueeze(-1) else: gg1 = _apply_switch(gg1, sw) invnnei = (1.0 / float(nnei)) * torch.ones( (nb, nloc, 1), dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=gg1.device ) # nb x nloc x ng2 g1_11 = torch.sum(g2 * gg1, dim=2) * invnnei return g1_11
[docs] def _cal_h2g2( self, g2: torch.Tensor, h2: torch.Tensor, nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, sw: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: # g2: nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 # h2: nf x nloc x nnei x 3 # msk: nf x nloc x nnei nb, nloc, nnei, _ = g2.shape ng2 = g2.shape[-1] # nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 g2 = _apply_nlist_mask(g2, nlist_mask) if not self.smooth: # nb x nloc invnnei = 1.0 / (self.epsilon + torch.sum(nlist_mask, dim=-1)) # nb x nloc x 1 x 1 invnnei = invnnei.unsqueeze(-1).unsqueeze(-1) else: g2 = _apply_switch(g2, sw) invnnei = (1.0 / float(nnei)) * torch.ones( (nb, nloc, 1, 1), dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device=g2.device ) # nb x nloc x 3 x ng2 h2g2 = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(h2, -1, -2), g2) * invnnei return h2g2
[docs] def _cal_grrg(self, h2g2: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: # nb x nloc x 3 x ng2 nb, nloc, _, ng2 = h2g2.shape # nb x nloc x 3 x axis h2g2m = torch.split(h2g2, self.axis_dim, dim=-1)[0] # nb x nloc x axis x ng2 g1_13 = torch.matmul(torch.transpose(h2g2m, -1, -2), h2g2) / (3.0**1) # nb x nloc x (axisxng2) g1_13 = g1_13.view(nb, nloc, self.axis_dim * ng2) return g1_13
[docs] def _update_g1_grrg( self, g2: torch.Tensor, h2: torch.Tensor, nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, sw: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: # g2: nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 # h2: nf x nloc x nnei x 3 # msk: nf x nloc x nnei nb, nloc, nnei, _ = g2.shape ng2 = g2.shape[-1] # nb x nloc x 3 x ng2 h2g2 = self._cal_h2g2(g2, h2, nlist_mask, sw) # nb x nloc x (axisxng2) g1_13 = self._cal_grrg(h2g2) return g1_13
[docs] def _update_g2_g1g1( self, g1: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x ng1 gg1: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei x ng1 nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei sw: torch.Tensor, # nb x nloc x nnei ) -> torch.Tensor: ret = g1.unsqueeze(-2) * gg1 # nb x nloc x nnei x ng1 ret = _apply_nlist_mask(ret, nlist_mask) if self.smooth: ret = _apply_switch(ret, sw) return ret
[docs] def _apply_bn( self, bn_number: int, gg: torch.Tensor, ): if self.do_bn_mode == "uniform": return self._apply_bn_uni(bn_number, gg) elif self.do_bn_mode == "component": return self._apply_bn_comp(bn_number, gg) else: return gg
[docs] def _apply_nb_1(self, bn_number: int, gg: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: nb, nl, nf = gg.shape gg = gg.view([nb, 1, nl * nf]) if bn_number == 1: assert self.bn1 is not None gg = self.bn1(gg) else: assert self.bn2 is not None gg = self.bn2(gg) return gg.view([nb, nl, nf])
[docs] def _apply_nb_2( self, bn_number: int, gg: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: nb, nl, nnei, nf = gg.shape gg = gg.view([nb, 1, nl * nnei * nf]) if bn_number == 1: assert self.bn1 is not None gg = self.bn1(gg) else: assert self.bn2 is not None gg = self.bn2(gg) return gg.view([nb, nl, nnei, nf])
[docs] def _apply_bn_uni( self, bn_number: int, gg: torch.Tensor, mode: str = "1", ) -> torch.Tensor: if len(gg.shape) == 3: return self._apply_nb_1(bn_number, gg) elif len(gg.shape) == 4: return self._apply_nb_2(bn_number, gg) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unsupported input shape {gg.shape}")
[docs] def _apply_bn_comp( self, bn_number: int, gg: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: ss = gg.shape nf = ss[-1] gg = gg.view([-1, nf]) if bn_number == 1: assert self.bn1 is not None gg = self.bn1(gg).view(ss) else: assert self.bn2 is not None gg = self.bn2(gg).view(ss) return gg
[docs] def forward( self, g1_ext: torch.Tensor, # nf x nall x ng1 g2: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 h2: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei x 3 nlist: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei nlist_mask: torch.Tensor, # nf x nloc x nnei sw: torch.Tensor, # switch func, nf x nloc x nnei ): """ Parameters ---------- g1_ext : nf x nall x ng1 extended single-atom chanel g2 : nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 pair-atom channel, invariant h2 : nf x nloc x nnei x 3 pair-atom channel, equivariant nlist : nf x nloc x nnei neighbor list (padded neis are set to 0) nlist_mask : nf x nloc x nnei masks of the neighbor list. real nei 1 otherwise 0 sw : nf x nloc x nnei switch function Returns ------- g1: nf x nloc x ng1 updated single-atom chanel g2: nf x nloc x nnei x ng2 updated pair-atom channel, invariant h2: nf x nloc x nnei x 3 updated pair-atom channel, equivariant """ cal_gg1 = ( self.update_g1_has_drrd or self.update_g1_has_conv or self.update_g1_has_attn or self.update_g2_has_g1g1 ) nb, nloc, nnei, _ = g2.shape nall = g1_ext.shape[1] g1, _ = torch.split(g1_ext, [nloc, nall - nloc], dim=1) assert (nb, nloc) == g1.shape[:2] assert (nb, nloc, nnei) == h2.shape[:3] ng1 = g1.shape[-1] ng2 = g2.shape[-1] nh2 = h2.shape[-1] if self.bn1 is not None: g1 = self._apply_bn(1, g1) if self.bn2 is not None: g2 = self._apply_bn(2, g2) if self.update_h2: h2 = _apply_h_norm(h2) g2_update: List[torch.Tensor] = [g2] h2_update: List[torch.Tensor] = [h2] g1_update: List[torch.Tensor] = [g1] g1_mlp: List[torch.Tensor] = [g1] if cal_gg1: gg1 = _make_nei_g1(g1_ext, nlist) else: gg1 = None if self.update_chnnl_2: # nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 assert self.linear2 is not None g2_1 = self.act(self.linear2(g2)) g2_update.append(g2_1) if self.update_g2_has_g1g1: assert gg1 is not None assert self.proj_g1g1g2 is not None g2_update.append( self.proj_g1g1g2(self._update_g2_g1g1(g1, gg1, nlist_mask, sw)) ) if self.update_g2_has_attn: assert self.attn2g_map is not None assert self.attn2_mh_apply is not None assert self.attn2_lm is not None # nb x nloc x nnei x nnei x nh AAg = self.attn2g_map(g2, h2, nlist_mask, sw) # nb x nloc x nnei x ng2 g2_2 = self.attn2_mh_apply(AAg, g2) g2_2 = self.attn2_lm(g2_2) g2_update.append(g2_2) if self.update_h2: h2_update.append(self._update_h2(g2, h2, nlist_mask, sw)) if self.update_g1_has_conv: assert gg1 is not None g1_mlp.append(self._update_g1_conv(gg1, g2, nlist_mask, sw)) if self.update_g1_has_grrg: g1_mlp.append(self._update_g1_grrg(g2, h2, nlist_mask, sw)) if self.update_g1_has_drrd: assert gg1 is not None g1_mlp.append(self._update_g1_grrg(gg1, h2, nlist_mask, sw)) # nb x nloc x [ng1+ng2+(axisxng2)+(axisxng1)] # conv grrg drrd g1_1 = self.act(self.linear1(, dim=-1))) g1_update.append(g1_1) if self.update_g1_has_attn: assert gg1 is not None assert self.loc_attn is not None g1_update.append(self.loc_attn(g1, gg1, nlist_mask, sw)) # update if self.update_chnnl_2: g2_new = self.list_update(g2_update) h2_new = self.list_update(h2_update) else: g2_new, h2_new = g2, h2 g1_new = self.list_update(g1_update) return g1_new, g2_new, h2_new
[docs] def list_update_res_avg( self, update_list: List[torch.Tensor], ) -> torch.Tensor: nitem = len(update_list) uu = update_list[0] for ii in range(1, nitem): uu = uu + update_list[ii] return uu / (float(nitem) ** 0.5)
[docs] def list_update_res_incr(self, update_list: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: nitem = len(update_list) uu = update_list[0] scale = 1.0 / (float(nitem - 1) ** 0.5) if nitem > 1 else 0.0 for ii in range(1, nitem): uu = uu + scale * update_list[ii] return uu
[docs] def list_update(self, update_list: List[torch.Tensor]) -> torch.Tensor: if self.update_style == "res_avg": return self.list_update_res_avg(update_list) elif self.update_style == "res_incr": return self.list_update_res_incr(update_list) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown update style {self.update_style}")
[docs] def _bn_layer( self, nf: int = 1, ) -> Callable: return torch.nn.BatchNorm1d( nf, eps=1e-5, momentum=self.bn_momentum, affine=False, track_running_stats=True, device=env.DEVICE, dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, )