Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import copy
import math
from typing import (

import torch

from deepmd.dpmodel import (

[docs] def make_hessian_model(T_Model): """Make a model that can compute Hessian. LIMITATION: this model is not jitable due to the restrictions of torch jit script. LIMITATION: only the hessian of `forward_common` is available. Parameters ---------- T_Model The model. Should provide the `forward_common` and `atomic_output_def` methods Returns ------- The model computes hessian. """ class CM(T_Model): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__( *args, **kwargs, ) self.hess_fitting_def = copy.deepcopy(super().atomic_output_def()) def requires_hessian( self, keys: Union[str, List[str]], ): """Set which output variable(s) requires hessian.""" if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] for kk in self.hess_fitting_def.keys(): if kk in keys: self.hess_fitting_def[kk].r_hessian = True def atomic_output_def(self): """Get the fitting output def.""" return self.hess_fitting_def def forward_common( self, coord, atype, box: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, fparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, aparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, do_atomic_virial: bool = False, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Return model prediction. Parameters ---------- coord The coordinates of the atoms. shape: nf x (nloc x 3) atype The type of atoms. shape: nf x nloc box The simulation box. shape: nf x 9 fparam frame parameter. nf x ndf aparam atomic parameter. nf x nloc x nda do_atomic_virial If calculate the atomic virial. Returns ------- ret_dict The result dict of type Dict[str,torch.Tensor]. The keys are defined by the `ModelOutputDef`. """ ret = super().forward_common( coord, atype, box=box, fparam=fparam, aparam=aparam, do_atomic_virial=do_atomic_virial, ) vdef = self.atomic_output_def() hess_yes = [vdef[kk].r_hessian for kk in vdef.keys()] if any(hess_yes): hess = self._cal_hessian_all( coord, atype, box=box, fparam=fparam, aparam=aparam, ) ret.update(hess) return ret def _cal_hessian_all( self, coord: torch.Tensor, atype: torch.Tensor, box: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, fparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, aparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: nf, nloc = atype.shape coord = coord.view([nf, (nloc * 3)]) box = box.view([nf, 9]) if box is not None else None fparam = fparam.view([nf, -1]) if fparam is not None else None aparam = aparam.view([nf, nloc, -1]) if aparam is not None else None fdef = self.atomic_output_def() # keys of values that require hessian hess_keys: List[str] = [] for kk in fdef.keys(): if fdef[kk].r_hessian: hess_keys.append(kk) # result dict init by empty lists res = {get_hessian_name(kk): [] for kk in hess_keys} # loop over variable for kk in hess_keys: vdef = fdef[kk] vshape = vdef.shape vsize = # loop over frames for ii in range(nf): icoord = coord[ii] iatype = atype[ii] ibox = box[ii] if box is not None else None ifparam = fparam[ii] if fparam is not None else None iaparam = aparam[ii] if aparam is not None else None # loop over all components for idx in range(vsize): hess = self._cal_hessian_one_component( idx, icoord, iatype, ibox, ifparam, iaparam ) res[get_hessian_name(kk)].append(hess) res[get_hessian_name(kk)] = torch.stack(res[get_hessian_name(kk)]).view( (nf, *vshape, nloc * 3, nloc * 3) ) return res def _cal_hessian_one_component( self, ci, coord, atype, box: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, fparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, aparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: # coord, # (nloc x 3) # atype, # nloc # box: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # 9 # fparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # nfp # aparam: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, # (nloc x nap) wc = wrapper_class_forward_energy(self, ci, atype, box, fparam, aparam) hess = torch.autograd.functional.hessian( wc, coord, create_graph=False, ) return hess class wrapper_class_forward_energy: def __init__( self, obj: CM, ci: int, atype: torch.Tensor, box: Optional[torch.Tensor], fparam: Optional[torch.Tensor], aparam: Optional[torch.Tensor], ): self.atype,, self.fparam, self.aparam = atype, box, fparam, aparam = ci self.obj = obj def __call__( self, xx, ): ci = atype, box, fparam, aparam = self.atype,, self.fparam, self.aparam res = super(CM, self.obj).forward_common( xx.unsqueeze(0), atype.unsqueeze(0), box.unsqueeze(0) if box is not None else None, fparam.unsqueeze(0) if fparam is not None else None, aparam.unsqueeze(0) if aparam is not None else None, do_atomic_virial=False, ) er = res["energy_redu"][0].view([-1])[ci] return er return CM