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from typing import (

import torch

from import (
from import (

[docs] def extend_input_and_build_neighbor_list( coord, atype, rcut: float, sel: List[int], mixed_types: bool = False, box: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): nframes, nloc = atype.shape[:2] if box is not None: box_gpu =, non_blocking=True) coord_normalized = normalize_coord( coord.view(nframes, nloc, 3), box_gpu.reshape(nframes, 3, 3), ) else: box_gpu = None coord_normalized = coord.clone() extended_coord, extended_atype, mapping = extend_coord_with_ghosts( coord_normalized, atype, box_gpu, rcut, box ) nlist = build_neighbor_list( extended_coord, extended_atype, nloc, rcut, sel, distinguish_types=(not mixed_types), ) extended_coord = extended_coord.view(nframes, -1, 3) return extended_coord, extended_atype, mapping, nlist
[docs] def build_neighbor_list( coord: torch.Tensor, atype: torch.Tensor, nloc: int, rcut: float, sel: Union[int, List[int]], distinguish_types: bool = True, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Build neightbor list for a single frame. keeps nsel neighbors. Parameters ---------- coord : torch.Tensor exptended coordinates of shape [batch_size, nall x 3] atype : torch.Tensor extended atomic types of shape [batch_size, nall] if type < 0 the atom is treat as virtual atoms. nloc : int number of local atoms. rcut : float cut-off radius sel : int or List[int] maximal number of neighbors (of each type). if distinguish_types==True, nsel should be list and the length of nsel should be equal to number of types. distinguish_types : bool distinguish different types. Returns ------- neighbor_list : torch.Tensor Neighbor list of shape [batch_size, nloc, nsel], the neighbors are stored in an ascending order. If the number of neighbors is less than nsel, the positions are masked with -1. The neighbor list of an atom looks like |------ nsel ------| xx xx xx xx -1 -1 -1 if distinguish_types==True and we have two types |---- nsel[0] -----| |---- nsel[1] -----| xx xx xx xx -1 -1 -1 xx xx xx -1 -1 -1 -1 For virtual atoms all neighboring positions are filled with -1. """ batch_size = coord.shape[0] coord = coord.view(batch_size, -1) nall = coord.shape[1] // 3 # fill virtual atoms with large coords so they are not neighbors of any # real atom. xmax = torch.max(coord) + 2.0 * rcut # nf x nall is_vir = atype < 0 coord1 = torch.where(is_vir[:, :, None], xmax, coord.view(-1, nall, 3)).view( -1, nall * 3 ) if isinstance(sel, int): sel = [sel] nsel = sum(sel) # nloc x 3 coord0 = coord1[:, : nloc * 3] # nloc x nall x 3 diff = coord1.view([batch_size, -1, 3]).unsqueeze(1) - coord0.view( [batch_size, -1, 3] ).unsqueeze(2) assert list(diff.shape) == [batch_size, nloc, nall, 3] # nloc x nall rr = torch.linalg.norm(diff, dim=-1) # if central atom has two zero distances, sorting sometimes can not exclude itself rr -= torch.eye(nloc, nall, dtype=rr.dtype, device=rr.device).unsqueeze(0) rr, nlist = torch.sort(rr, dim=-1) # nloc x (nall-1) rr = rr[:, :, 1:] nlist = nlist[:, :, 1:] # nloc x nsel nnei = rr.shape[2] if nsel <= nnei: rr = rr[:, :, :nsel] nlist = nlist[:, :, :nsel] else: rr = [rr, torch.ones([batch_size, nloc, nsel - nnei], device=rr.device) + rcut], dim=-1, ) nlist = [ nlist, torch.ones( [batch_size, nloc, nsel - nnei], dtype=nlist.dtype, device=rr.device ), ], dim=-1, ) assert list(nlist.shape) == [batch_size, nloc, nsel] nlist = torch.where( torch.logical_or((rr > rcut), is_vir[:, :nloc, None]), -1, nlist ) if distinguish_types: return nlist_distinguish_types(nlist, atype, sel) else: return nlist
[docs] def nlist_distinguish_types( nlist: torch.Tensor, atype: torch.Tensor, sel: List[int], ): """Given a nlist that does not distinguish atom types, return a nlist that distinguish atom types. """ nf, nloc, nnei = nlist.shape ret_nlist = [] # nloc x nall tmp_atype = torch.tile(atype.unsqueeze(1), [1, nloc, 1]) mask = nlist == -1 # nloc x s(nsel) tnlist = torch.gather( tmp_atype, 2, nlist.masked_fill(mask, 0), ) tnlist = tnlist.masked_fill(mask, -1) snsel = tnlist.shape[2] for ii, ss in enumerate(sel): # nloc x s(nsel) # to int because bool cannot be sort on GPU pick_mask = (tnlist == ii).to(torch.int32) # nloc x s(nsel), stable sort, nearer neighbors first pick_mask, imap = torch.sort(pick_mask, dim=-1, descending=True, stable=True) # nloc x s(nsel) inlist = torch.gather(nlist, 2, imap) inlist = inlist.masked_fill(~(, -1) # nloc x nsel[ii] ret_nlist.append(torch.split(inlist, [ss, snsel - ss], dim=-1)[0]) return torch.concat(ret_nlist, dim=-1)
# build_neighbor_list = torch.vmap( # build_neighbor_list_lower, # in_dims=(0,0,None,None,None), # out_dims=(0), # )
[docs] def get_multiple_nlist_key( rcut: float, nsel: int, ) -> str: return str(rcut) + "_" + str(nsel)
[docs] def build_multiple_neighbor_list( coord: torch.Tensor, nlist: torch.Tensor, rcuts: List[float], nsels: List[int], ) -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Input one neighbor list, and produce multiple neighbor lists with different cutoff radius and numbers of selection out of it. The required rcuts and nsels should be smaller or equal to the input nlist. Parameters ---------- coord : torch.Tensor exptended coordinates of shape [batch_size, nall x 3] nlist : torch.Tensor Neighbor list of shape [batch_size, nloc, nsel], the neighbors should be stored in an ascending order. rcuts : List[float] list of cut-off radius in ascending order. nsels : List[int] maximal number of neighbors in ascending order. Returns ------- nlist_dict : Dict[str, torch.Tensor] A dict of nlists, key given by get_multiple_nlist_key(rc, nsel) value being the corresponding nlist. """ assert len(rcuts) == len(nsels) if len(rcuts) == 0: return {} nb, nloc, nsel = nlist.shape if nsel < nsels[-1]: pad = -1 * torch.ones( [nb, nloc, nsels[-1] - nsel], dtype=nlist.dtype, device=nlist.device, ) # nb x nloc x nsel nlist =[nlist, pad], dim=-1) nsel = nsels[-1] # nb x nall x 3 coord1 = coord.view(nb, -1, 3) nall = coord1.shape[1] # nb x nloc x 3 coord0 = coord1[:, :nloc, :] nlist_mask = nlist == -1 # nb x (nloc x nsel) x 3 index = ( nlist.masked_fill(nlist_mask, 0) .view(nb, nloc * nsel) .unsqueeze(-1) .expand(-1, -1, 3) ) # nb x nloc x nsel x 3 coord2 = torch.gather(coord1, dim=1, index=index).view(nb, nloc, nsel, 3) # nb x nloc x nsel x 3 diff = coord2 - coord0[:, :, None, :] # nb x nloc x nsel rr = torch.linalg.norm(diff, dim=-1) rr.masked_fill(nlist_mask, float("inf")) nlist0 = nlist ret = {} for rc, ns in zip(rcuts[::-1], nsels[::-1]): nlist0 = nlist0[:, :, :ns].masked_fill(rr[:, :, :ns] > rc, -1) ret[get_multiple_nlist_key(rc, ns)] = nlist0 return ret
[docs] def extend_coord_with_ghosts( coord: torch.Tensor, atype: torch.Tensor, cell: Optional[torch.Tensor], rcut: float, cell_cpu: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ): """Extend the coordinates of the atoms by appending peridoc images. The number of images is large enough to ensure all the neighbors within rcut are appended. Parameters ---------- coord : torch.Tensor original coordinates of shape [-1, nloc*3]. atype : torch.Tensor atom type of shape [-1, nloc]. cell : torch.Tensor simulation cell tensor of shape [-1, 9]. rcut : float the cutoff radius cell_cpu : torch.Tensor cell on cpu for performance Returns ------- extended_coord: torch.Tensor extended coordinates of shape [-1, nall*3]. extended_atype: torch.Tensor extended atom type of shape [-1, nall]. index_mapping: torch.Tensor maping extended index to the local index """ device = coord.device nf, nloc = atype.shape aidx = torch.tile(torch.arange(nloc, device=device).unsqueeze(0), [nf, 1]) if cell is None: nall = nloc extend_coord = coord.clone() extend_atype = atype.clone() extend_aidx = aidx.clone() else: coord = coord.view([nf, nloc, 3]) cell = cell.view([nf, 3, 3]) cell_cpu = cell_cpu.view([nf, 3, 3]) if cell_cpu is not None else cell # nf x 3 to_face = to_face_distance(cell_cpu) # nf x 3 # *2: ghost copies on + and - directions # +1: central cell nbuff = torch.ceil(rcut / to_face).to(torch.long) # 3 nbuff = torch.max(nbuff, dim=0, keepdim=False).values nbuff_cpu = nbuff.cpu() xi = torch.arange(-nbuff_cpu[0], nbuff_cpu[0] + 1, 1, device="cpu") yi = torch.arange(-nbuff_cpu[1], nbuff_cpu[1] + 1, 1, device="cpu") zi = torch.arange(-nbuff_cpu[2], nbuff_cpu[2] + 1, 1, device="cpu") eye_3 = torch.eye(3, dtype=env.GLOBAL_PT_FLOAT_PRECISION, device="cpu") xyz = xi.view(-1, 1, 1, 1) * eye_3[0] xyz = xyz + yi.view(1, -1, 1, 1) * eye_3[1] xyz = xyz + zi.view(1, 1, -1, 1) * eye_3[2] xyz = xyz.view(-1, 3) xyz =, non_blocking=True) # ns x 3 shift_idx = xyz[torch.argsort(torch.norm(xyz, dim=1))] ns, _ = shift_idx.shape nall = ns * nloc # nf x ns x 3 shift_vec = torch.einsum("sd,fdk->fsk", shift_idx, cell) # nf x ns x nloc x 3 extend_coord = coord[:, None, :, :] + shift_vec[:, :, None, :] # nf x ns x nloc extend_atype = torch.tile(atype.unsqueeze(-2), [1, ns, 1]) # nf x ns x nloc extend_aidx = torch.tile(aidx.unsqueeze(-2), [1, ns, 1]) return ( extend_coord.reshape([nf, nall * 3]).to(device), extend_atype.view([nf, nall]).to(device), extend_aidx.view([nf, nall]).to(device), )