Source code for

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import logging

import numpy as np

from import (

from import (
from import (
from import (

[docs] log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def build_davg_dstd(): r"""Get the davg and dstd from the dictionary nvnmd_cfg. The davg and dstd have been obtained by training CNN. """ davg, dstd = get_normalize(nvnmd_cfg.weight) return davg, dstd
[docs] def check_switch_range(davg, dstd): r"""Check the range of switch, let it in range [-2, 14].""" rmin = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["rcut_smth"] ntype = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["ntype"] NIDP = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["NIDP"] ndescrpt = NIDP * 4 # namelist = [ for n in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node] if "train_attr/min_nbor_dist" in namelist: min_dist = get_tensor_by_name_from_graph( tf.get_default_graph(), "train_attr/min_nbor_dist" ) elif "train_attr.min_nbor_dist" in nvnmd_cfg.weight.keys(): if nvnmd_cfg.weight["train_attr.min_nbor_dist"] < 1e-6: min_dist = rmin else: min_dist = nvnmd_cfg.weight["train_attr.min_nbor_dist"] else: min_dist = None # fix the bug: if model initial mode is 'init_from_model', # we need dmin to calculate smin and smax in if min_dist is not None: nvnmd_cfg.dscp["dmin"] = min_dist # if davg and dstd is None, the model initial mode is in # 'init_from_model', 'restart', 'init_from_frz_model', 'finetune' if (davg is not None) or (dstd is not None): if davg is None: davg = np.zeros([ntype, ndescrpt]) if dstd is None: dstd = np.ones([ntype, ndescrpt]) nvnmd_cfg.get_s_range(davg, dstd)
[docs] def build_op_descriptor(): r"""Replace""" if nvnmd_cfg.quantize_descriptor: return op_module.prod_env_mat_a_mix_nvnmd_quantize else: return op_module.prod_env_mat_a_mix
[docs] def descrpt2r4(inputs, atype): r"""Replace :math:`r_{ji} \rightarrow r'_{ji}` where :math:`r_{ji} = (x_{ji}, y_{ji}, z_{ji})` and :math:`r'_{ji} = (s_{ji}, \frac{s_{ji} x_{ji}}{r_{ji}}, \frac{s_{ji} y_{ji}}{r_{ji}}, \frac{s_{ji} z_{ji}}{r_{ji}})`. """ NIDP = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["NIDP"] ndescrpt = NIDP * 4 # (nf*na*ni, 4) inputs_reshape = tf.reshape(inputs, [-1, 4]) # u (i.e., r^2) u = tf.reshape(tf.slice(inputs_reshape, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), [-1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope("u", reuse=True): u = op_module.flt_nvnmd(u) log.debug("#u: %s", u) u = tf.ensure_shape(u, [None, 1]) # rji rji = tf.reshape(tf.slice(inputs_reshape, [0, 1], [-1, 3]), [-1, 3]) with tf.variable_scope("rji", reuse=True): rji = op_module.flt_nvnmd(rji) rji = tf.ensure_shape(rji, [None, 3]) log.debug("#rji: %s", rji) # s & h u = tf.reshape(u, [-1, 1]) table = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION( np.concatenate([["s"][0],["h"][0]], axis=1) ) table_grad = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION( np.concatenate( [["s_grad"][0],["h_grad"][0]], axis=1, ) ) table_info =["cfg_u2s"] table_info = np.array([np.float64(v) for vs in table_info for v in vs]) table_info = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION(table_info) s_h = op_module.map_flt_nvnmd(u, table, table_grad, table_info) s_h = tf.ensure_shape(s_h, [None, 1, 2]) s = tf.slice(s_h, [0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, 1]) h = tf.slice(s_h, [0, 0, 1], [-1, -1, 1]) s = tf.reshape(s, [-1, 1]) h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope("s_s", reuse=True): s = op_module.flt_nvnmd(s) log.debug("#s_s: %s", s) s = tf.ensure_shape(s, [None, 1]) with tf.variable_scope("h_s", reuse=True): h = op_module.flt_nvnmd(h) log.debug("#h_s: %s", h) h = tf.ensure_shape(h, [None, 1]) # davg and dstd # davg =["davg"] # is_zero dstd_inv =["dstd_inv"] atype_expand = tf.reshape(atype, [-1, 1]) std_inv_sel = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(dstd_inv, atype_expand) std_inv_sel = tf.reshape(std_inv_sel, [-1, 4]) std_inv_s = tf.slice(std_inv_sel, [0, 0], [-1, 1]) std_inv_h = tf.slice(std_inv_sel, [0, 1], [-1, 1]) s = op_module.mul_flt_nvnmd(std_inv_s, tf.reshape(s, [-1, NIDP])) h = op_module.mul_flt_nvnmd(std_inv_h, tf.reshape(h, [-1, NIDP])) s = tf.ensure_shape(s, [None, NIDP]) h = tf.ensure_shape(h, [None, NIDP]) s = tf.reshape(s, [-1, 1]) h = tf.reshape(h, [-1, 1]) with tf.variable_scope("s", reuse=True): s = op_module.flt_nvnmd(s) log.debug("#s: %s", s) s = tf.ensure_shape(s, [None, 1]) with tf.variable_scope("h", reuse=True): h = op_module.flt_nvnmd(h) log.debug("#h: %s", h) h = tf.ensure_shape(h, [None, 1]) # R2R4 Rs = s # Rxyz = h * rji Rxyz = op_module.mul_flt_nvnmd(h, rji) Rxyz = tf.ensure_shape(Rxyz, [None, 3]) with tf.variable_scope("Rxyz", reuse=True): Rxyz = op_module.flt_nvnmd(Rxyz) log.debug("#Rxyz: %s", Rxyz) Rxyz = tf.ensure_shape(Rxyz, [None, 3]) R4 = tf.concat([Rs, Rxyz], axis=1) inputs_reshape = R4 inputs_reshape = tf.reshape(inputs_reshape, [-1, ndescrpt]) return inputs_reshape
[docs] def filter_lower_R42GR(inputs_i, atype, nei_type_vec): r"""Replace""" shape_i = inputs_i.get_shape().as_list() inputs_reshape = tf.reshape(inputs_i, [-1, 4]) M1 = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["M1"] ntype = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["ntype"] NIDP = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["NIDP"] two_embd_value =["gt"] # print(two_embd_value) # copy inputs_reshape = op_module.flt_nvnmd(inputs_reshape) inputs_reshape = tf.ensure_shape(inputs_reshape, [None, 4]) inputs_reshape, inputs_reshape2 = op_module.copy_flt_nvnmd(inputs_reshape) inputs_reshape = tf.ensure_shape(inputs_reshape, [None, 4]) inputs_reshape2 = tf.ensure_shape(inputs_reshape2, [None, 4]) # s2G s = tf.reshape(tf.slice(inputs_reshape, [0, 0], [-1, 1]), [-1, 1]) table = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION(["g"][0]) table_grad = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION(["g_grad"][0]) table_info =["cfg_s2g"] table_info = np.array([np.float64(v) for vs in table_info for v in vs]) table_info = GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION(table_info) G = op_module.map_flt_nvnmd(s, table, table_grad, table_info) G = tf.ensure_shape(G, [None, 1, M1]) with tf.variable_scope("g_s", reuse=True): G = op_module.flt_nvnmd(G) log.debug("#g_s: %s", G) G = tf.ensure_shape(G, [None, 1, M1]) # t2G atype_expand = tf.reshape(atype, [-1, 1]) idx_i = tf.tile(atype_expand * (ntype + 1), [1, NIDP]) idx_j = tf.reshape(nei_type_vec, [-1, NIDP]) idx = idx_i + idx_j index_of_two_side = tf.reshape(idx, [-1]) two_embd = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(two_embd_value, index_of_two_side) # two_embd = tf.reshape(two_embd, (-1, shape_i[1] // 4, M1)) two_embd = tf.reshape(two_embd, (-1, M1)) with tf.variable_scope("g_t", reuse=True): two_embd = op_module.flt_nvnmd(two_embd) log.debug("#g_t: %s", two_embd) two_embd = tf.ensure_shape(two_embd, [None, M1]) # G_s, G_t -> G G = tf.reshape(G, [-1, M1]) G = op_module.mul_flt_nvnmd(G, two_embd) G = tf.ensure_shape(G, [None, M1]) with tf.variable_scope("g", reuse=True): G = op_module.flt_nvnmd(G) log.debug("#g: %s", G) G = tf.ensure_shape(G, [None, M1]) xyz_scatter = G xyz_scatter = tf.reshape(xyz_scatter, (-1, shape_i[1] // 4, M1)) # GR inputs_reshape2 = tf.reshape(inputs_reshape2, [-1, shape_i[1] // 4, 4]) GR = op_module.matmul_flt2fix_nvnmd( tf.transpose(inputs_reshape2, [0, 2, 1]), xyz_scatter, 23 ) GR = tf.ensure_shape(GR, [None, 4, M1]) return GR
[docs] def filter_GR2D(xyz_scatter_1): r"""Replace""" NIX = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["NIX"] M1 = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["M1"] M2 = nvnmd_cfg.dscp["M2"] NBIT_DATA_FL = nvnmd_cfg.nbit["NBIT_FIXD_FL"] if nvnmd_cfg.quantize_descriptor: xyz_scatter_1 = tf.reshape(xyz_scatter_1, [-1, 4 * M1]) # fix the number of bits of gradient xyz_scatter_1 = xyz_scatter_1 * (1.0 / NIX) with tf.variable_scope("gr", reuse=True): xyz_scatter_1 = op_module.flt_nvnmd(xyz_scatter_1) log.debug("#gr: %s", xyz_scatter_1) xyz_scatter_1 = tf.ensure_shape(xyz_scatter_1, [None, 4 * M1]) xyz_scatter_1 = tf.reshape(xyz_scatter_1, [-1, 4, M1]) # natom x 4 x outputs_size_2 xyz_scatter_2 = xyz_scatter_1 # natom x 3 x outputs_size_1 qmat = tf.slice(xyz_scatter_1, [0, 1, 0], [-1, 3, -1]) # natom x outputs_size_2 x 3 qmat = tf.transpose(qmat, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # D': natom x outputs_size x outputs_size_2 xyz_scatter_1_T = tf.transpose(xyz_scatter_1, [0, 2, 1]) result = op_module.matmul_flt_nvnmd( xyz_scatter_1_T, xyz_scatter_2, 1 * 16 + 0, 1 * 16 + 0 ) result = tf.ensure_shape(result, [None, M1, M1]) # D': natom x (outputs_size x outputs_size_2) result = tf.reshape(result, [-1, M1 * M1]) # index_subset = [] for ii in range(M1): for jj in range(ii, ii + M2): index_subset.append((ii * M1) + (jj % M1)) index_subset = tf.constant(np.int32(np.array(index_subset))) result = tf.gather(result, index_subset, axis=1) with tf.variable_scope("d", reuse=True): result = op_module.flt_nvnmd(result) log.debug("#d: %s", result) result = tf.ensure_shape(result, [None, M1 * M2]) result = op_module.quantize_nvnmd(result, 0, NBIT_DATA_FL, NBIT_DATA_FL, -1) result = tf.ensure_shape(result, [None, M1 * M2]) else: # natom x 4 x outputs_size xyz_scatter_1 = xyz_scatter_1 * (1.0 / NIX) # natom x 4 x outputs_size_2 # xyz_scatter_2 = tf.slice(xyz_scatter_1, [0,0,0],[-1,-1,outputs_size_2]) xyz_scatter_2 = xyz_scatter_1 # natom x 3 x outputs_size_1 qmat = tf.slice(xyz_scatter_1, [0, 1, 0], [-1, 3, -1]) # natom x outputs_size_1 x 3 qmat = tf.transpose(qmat, perm=[0, 2, 1]) # natom x outputs_size x outputs_size_2 result = tf.matmul(xyz_scatter_1, xyz_scatter_2, transpose_a=True) # natom x (outputs_size x outputs_size_2) # result = tf.reshape(result, [-1, outputs_size_2 * outputs_size[-1]]) result = tf.reshape(result, [-1, M1 * M1]) # index_subset = [] for ii in range(M1): for jj in range(ii, ii + M2): index_subset.append((ii * M1) + (jj % M1)) index_subset = tf.constant(np.int32(np.array(index_subset))) result = tf.gather(result, index_subset, axis=1) return result, qmat