Source code for deepmd.utils.out_stat

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
"""Output statistics."""

from typing import (

import numpy as np

[docs] def compute_stats_from_redu( output_redu: np.ndarray, natoms: np.ndarray, assigned_bias: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, rcond: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute the output statistics. Given the reduced output value and the number of atoms for each atom, compute the least-squares solution as the atomic output bais and std. Parameters ---------- output_redu The reduced output value, shape is [nframes, *(odim0, odim1, ...)]. natoms The number of atoms for each atom, shape is [nframes, ntypes]. assigned_bias The assigned output bias, shape is [ntypes, *(odim0, odim1, ...)]. Set to a tensor of shape (odim0, odim1, ...) filled with nan if the bias of the type is not assigned. rcond Cut-off ratio for small singular values of a. Returns ------- np.ndarray The computed output bias, shape is [ntypes, *(odim0, odim1, ...)]. np.ndarray The computed output std, shape is [*(odim0, odim1, ...)]. """ natoms = np.array(natoms) nf, _ = natoms.shape output_redu = np.array(output_redu) var_shape = list(output_redu.shape[1:]) output_redu = output_redu.reshape(nf, -1) # check shape assert output_redu.ndim == 2 assert natoms.ndim == 2 assert output_redu.shape[0] == natoms.shape[0] # nframes if assigned_bias is not None: assigned_bias = np.array(assigned_bias).reshape( natoms.shape[1], output_redu.shape[1] ) # compute output bias if assigned_bias is not None: # Atomic energies stats are incorrect if atomic energies are assigned. # In this situation, we directly use these assigned energies instead of computing stats. # This will make the loss decrease quickly assigned_bias_atom_mask = ~np.isnan(assigned_bias).any(axis=1) # assigned_bias_masked: nmask, ndim assigned_bias_masked = assigned_bias[assigned_bias_atom_mask] # assigned_bias_natoms: nframes, nmask assigned_bias_natoms = natoms[:, assigned_bias_atom_mask] # output_redu: nframes, ndim output_redu -= np.einsum( "ij,jk->ik", assigned_bias_natoms, assigned_bias_masked ) # remove assigned atom natoms[:, assigned_bias_atom_mask] = 0 # computed_output_bias: ntypes, ndim computed_output_bias, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(natoms, output_redu, rcond=rcond) if assigned_bias is not None: # add back assigned atom; this might not be required computed_output_bias[assigned_bias_atom_mask] = assigned_bias_masked # rest_redu: nframes, ndim rest_redu = output_redu - np.einsum("ij,jk->ik", natoms, computed_output_bias) output_std = rest_redu.std(axis=0) computed_output_bias = computed_output_bias.reshape([natoms.shape[1]] + var_shape) # noqa: RUF005 output_std = output_std.reshape(var_shape) return computed_output_bias, output_std
[docs] def compute_stats_from_atomic( output: np.ndarray, atype: np.ndarray, ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Compute the output statistics. Given the output value and the type of atoms, compute the atomic output bais and std. Parameters ---------- output The output value, shape is [nframes, nloc, ndim]. atype The type of atoms, shape is [nframes, nloc]. Returns ------- np.ndarray The computed output bias, shape is [ntypes, ndim]. np.ndarray The computed output std, shape is [ntypes, ndim]. """ output = np.array(output) atype = np.array(atype) # check shape assert output.ndim == 3 assert atype.ndim == 2 assert output.shape[:2] == atype.shape # compute output bias nframes, nloc, ndim = output.shape ntypes = atype.max() + 1 output_bias = np.zeros((ntypes, ndim)) output_std = np.zeros((ntypes, ndim)) for type_i in range(ntypes): mask = atype == type_i output_bias[type_i] = ( output[mask].mean(axis=0) if output[mask].size > 0 else np.nan ) output_std[type_i] = ( output[mask].std(axis=0) if output[mask].size > 0 else np.nan ) return output_bias, output_std