Source code for deepmd.utils.pair_tab

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import logging
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import (

from deepmd.utils.version import (

[docs] log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs] class PairTab: """Pairwise tabulated potential. Parameters ---------- filename File name for the short-range tabulated potential. The table is a text data file with (N_t + 1) * N_t / 2 + 1 columes. The first colume is the distance between atoms. The second to the last columes are energies for pairs of certain types. For example we have two atom types, 0 and 1. The columes from 2nd to 4th are for 0-0, 0-1 and 1-1 correspondingly. """ def __init__(self, filename: str, rcut: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Constructor.""" self.reinit(filename, rcut)
[docs] def reinit(self, filename: str, rcut: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """Initialize the tabulated interaction. Parameters ---------- filename File name for the short-range tabulated potential. The table is a text data file with (N_t + 1) * N_t / 2 + 1 columes. The first colume is the distance between atoms. The second to the last columes are energies for pairs of certain types. For example we have two atom types, 0 and 1. The columes from 2nd to 4th are for 0-0, 0-1 and 1-1 correspondingly. """ if filename is None: self.tab_info, self.tab_data = None, None return self.vdata = np.loadtxt(filename) self.rmin = self.vdata[0][0] self.rmax = self.vdata[-1][0] self.hh = self.vdata[1][0] - self.vdata[0][0] ncol = self.vdata.shape[1] - 1 n0 = (-1 + np.sqrt(1 + 8 * ncol)) * 0.5 self.ntypes = int(n0 + 0.1) assert self.ntypes * (self.ntypes + 1) // 2 == ncol, ( "number of volumes provided in %s does not match guessed number of types %d" % (filename, self.ntypes) ) # check table data against rcut and update tab_file if needed, table upper boundary is used as rcut if not provided. self.rcut = rcut if rcut is not None else self.rmax self._check_table_upper_boundary() self.nspline = ( self.vdata.shape[0] - 1 ) # this nspline is updated based on the expanded table. self.tab_info = np.array([self.rmin, self.hh, self.nspline, self.ntypes]) self.tab_data = self._make_data()
[docs] def serialize(self) -> dict: return { "@class": "PairTab", "@version": 1, "rmin": self.rmin, "rmax": self.rmax, "hh": self.hh, "ntypes": self.ntypes, "rcut": self.rcut, "nspline": self.nspline, "@variables": { "vdata": self.vdata, "tab_info": self.tab_info, "tab_data": self.tab_data, }, }
[docs] def deserialize(cls, data) -> "PairTab": data = data.copy() check_version_compatibility(data.pop("@version", 1), 1, 1) data.pop("@class") variables = data.pop("@variables") tab = PairTab(None, None) tab.vdata = variables["vdata"] tab.rmin = data["rmin"] tab.rmax = data["rmax"] tab.hh = data["hh"] tab.ntypes = data["ntypes"] tab.rcut = data["rcut"] tab.nspline = data["nspline"] tab.tab_info = variables["tab_info"] tab.tab_data = variables["tab_data"] return tab
[docs] def _check_table_upper_boundary(self) -> None: """Update User Provided Table Based on `rcut`. This function checks the upper boundary provided in the table against rcut. If the table upper boundary values decay to zero before rcut, padding zeros will be added to the table to cover rcut; if the table upper boundary values do not decay to zero before ruct, extrapolation will be performed till rcut. Examples -------- table = [[0.005 1. 2. 3. ] [0.01 0.8 1.6 2.4 ] [0.015 0. 1. 1.5 ]] rcut = 0.022 new_table = [[0.005 1. 2. 3. ] [0.01 0.8 1.6 2.4 ] [0.015 0. 1. 1.5 ] [0.02 0. 0. 0. ] ---------------------------------------------- table = [[0.005 1. 2. 3. ] [0.01 0.8 1.6 2.4 ] [0.015 0.5 1. 1.5 ] [0.02 0.25 0.4 0.75 ] [0.025 0. 0.1 0. ] [0.03 0. 0. 0. ]] rcut = 0.031 new_table = [[0.005 1. 2. 3. ] [0.01 0.8 1.6 2.4 ] [0.015 0.5 1. 1.5 ] [0.02 0.25 0.4 0.75 ] [0.025 0. 0.1 0. ] [0.03 0. 0. 0. ] [0.035 0. 0. 0. ]] """ upper_val = self.vdata[-1][1:] upper_idx = self.vdata.shape[0] - 1 self.ncol = self.vdata.shape[1] # the index in table for the grid point of rcut, always give the point after rcut. rcut_idx = int(np.ceil(self.rcut / self.hh - self.rmin / self.hh)) if np.all(upper_val == 0): # if table values decay to `0` after rcut if self.rcut < self.rmax and np.any(self.vdata[rcut_idx - 1][1:] != 0): log.warning( "The energy provided in the table does not decay to 0 at rcut." ) # if table values decay to `0` at rcut, do nothing # if table values decay to `0` before rcut, pad table with `0`s. elif self.rcut > self.rmax: pad_zero = np.zeros((rcut_idx - upper_idx, self.ncol)) pad_zero[:, 0] = np.linspace( self.rmax + self.hh, self.rmax + self.hh * (rcut_idx - upper_idx), rcut_idx - upper_idx, ) self.vdata = np.concatenate((self.vdata, pad_zero), axis=0) else: # if table values do not decay to `0` at rcut if self.rcut <= self.rmax: log.warning( "The energy provided in the table does not decay to 0 at rcut." ) # if rcut goes beyond table upper bond, need extrapolation, ensure values decay to `0` before rcut. else: log.warning( "The rcut goes beyond table upper boundary, performing extrapolation." ) pad_extrapolation = np.zeros((rcut_idx - upper_idx, self.ncol)) pad_extrapolation[:, 0] = np.linspace( self.rmax + self.hh, self.rmax + self.hh * (rcut_idx - upper_idx), rcut_idx - upper_idx, ) # need to calculate table values to fill in with cubic spline pad_extrapolation = self._extrapolate_table(pad_extrapolation) self.vdata = np.concatenate((self.vdata, pad_extrapolation), axis=0)
[docs] def get(self) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]: """Get the serialized table.""" return self.tab_info, self.tab_data
[docs] def _extrapolate_table(self, pad_extrapolation: np.array) -> np.array: """Soomth extrapolation between table upper boundary and rcut. This method should only be used when the table upper boundary `rmax` is smaller than `rcut`, and the table upper boundary values are not zeros. To simplify the problem, we use a single cubic spline between `rmax` and `rcut` for each pair of atom types. One can substitute this extrapolation to higher order polynomials if needed. There are two scenarios: 1. `ruct` - `rmax` >= hh: Set values at the grid point right before `rcut` to 0, and perform exterapolation between the grid point and `rmax`, this allows smooth decay to 0 at `rcut`. 2. `rcut` - `rmax` < hh: Set values at `rmax + hh` to 0, and perform extrapolation between `rmax` and `rmax + hh`. Parameters ---------- pad_extrapolation : np.array The emepty grid that holds the extrapolation values. Returns ------- np.array The cubic spline extrapolation. """ # in theory we should check if the table has at least two rows. slope = self.vdata[-1, 1:] - self.vdata[-2, 1:] # shape of (ncol-1, ) # for extrapolation, we want values decay to `0` prior to `ruct` if possible # here we try to find the grid point prior to `rcut` grid_point = ( -2 if pad_extrapolation[-1, 0] / self.hh - self.rmax / self.hh >= 2 else -1 ) temp_grid = np.stack((self.vdata[-1, :], pad_extrapolation[grid_point, :])) vv = temp_grid[:, 1:] xx = temp_grid[:, 0] cs = CubicSpline(xx, vv, bc_type=((1, slope), (1, np.zeros_like(slope)))) xx_grid = pad_extrapolation[:, 0] res = cs(xx_grid) pad_extrapolation[:, 1:] = res # Note: when doing cubic spline, if we want to ensure values decay to zero prior to `rcut` # this may cause values be positive post `rcut`, we need to overwrite those values to zero pad_extrapolation = ( pad_extrapolation if grid_point == -1 else pad_extrapolation[:-1, :] ) return pad_extrapolation
[docs] def _make_data(self): data = np.zeros([self.ntypes * self.ntypes * 4 * self.nspline]) stride = 4 * self.nspline idx_iter = 0 xx = self.vdata[:, 0] for t0 in range(self.ntypes): for t1 in range(t0, self.ntypes): vv = self.vdata[:, 1 + idx_iter] cs = CubicSpline(xx, vv, bc_type="clamped") dd = cs(xx, 1) dd *= self.hh dtmp = np.zeros(stride) for ii in range(self.nspline): dtmp[ii * 4 + 0] = 2 * vv[ii] - 2 * vv[ii + 1] + dd[ii] + dd[ii + 1] dtmp[ii * 4 + 1] = ( -3 * vv[ii] + 3 * vv[ii + 1] - 2 * dd[ii] - dd[ii + 1] ) dtmp[ii * 4 + 2] = dd[ii] dtmp[ii * 4 + 3] = vv[ii] data[ (t0 * self.ntypes + t1) * stride : (t0 * self.ntypes + t1) * stride + stride ] = dtmp data[ (t1 * self.ntypes + t0) * stride : (t1 * self.ntypes + t0) * stride + stride ] = dtmp idx_iter += 1 return data