Source code for deepmd_utils.common

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
import json
import warnings
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

    from typing import Literal  # python >=3.8
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal  # type: ignore

import numpy as np
import yaml

from deepmd_utils.env import (
from deepmd_utils.utils.path import (

__all__ = [

    _DICT_VAL = TypeVar("_DICT_VAL")
    _PRECISION = Literal["default", "float16", "float32", "float64"]
    _ACTIVATION = Literal[
        "relu", "relu6", "softplus", "sigmoid", "tanh", "gelu", "gelu_tf"

# TODO this is not a good way to do things. This is some global variable to which
# TODO anyone can write and there is no good way to keep track of the changes
data_requirement = {}

[docs]def add_data_requirement( key: str, ndof: int, atomic: bool = False, must: bool = False, high_prec: bool = False, type_sel: Optional[bool] = None, repeat: int = 1, default: float = 0.0, dtype: Optional[np.dtype] = None, ): """Specify data requirements for training. Parameters ---------- key : str type of data stored in corresponding `*.npy` file e.g. `forces` or `energy` ndof : int number of the degrees of freedom, this is tied to `atomic` parameter e.g. forces have `atomic=True` and `ndof=3` atomic : bool, optional specifies whwther the `ndof` keyworrd applies to per atom quantity or not, by default False must : bool, optional specifi if the `*.npy` data file must exist, by default False high_prec : bool, optional if true load data to `np.float64` else `np.float32`, by default False type_sel : bool, optional select only certain type of atoms, by default None repeat : int, optional if specify repaeat data `repeat` times, by default 1 default : float, optional, default=0. default value of data dtype : np.dtype, optional the dtype of data, overwrites `high_prec` if provided """ data_requirement[key] = { "ndof": ndof, "atomic": atomic, "must": must, "high_prec": high_prec, "type_sel": type_sel, "repeat": repeat, "default": default, "dtype": dtype, }
[docs]def select_idx_map(atom_types: np.ndarray, select_types: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Build map of indices for element supplied element types from all atoms list. Parameters ---------- atom_types : np.ndarray array specifing type for each atoms as integer select_types : np.ndarray types of atoms you want to find indices for Returns ------- np.ndarray indices of types of atoms defined by `select_types` in `atom_types` array Warnings -------- `select_types` array will be sorted before finding indices in `atom_types` """ sort_select_types = np.sort(select_types) idx_map = [] for ii in sort_select_types: idx_map.append(np.where(atom_types == ii)[0]) return np.concatenate(idx_map)
[docs]def make_default_mesh(pbc: bool, mixed_type: bool) -> np.ndarray: """Make mesh. Only the size of mesh matters, not the values: * 6 for PBC, no mixed types * 0 for no PBC, no mixed types * 7 for PBC, mixed types * 1 for no PBC, mixed types Parameters ---------- pbc : bool if True, the mesh will be made for periodic boundary conditions mixed_type : bool if True, the mesh will be made for mixed types Returns ------- np.ndarray mesh """ mesh_size = int(pbc) * 6 + int(mixed_type) default_mesh = np.zeros(mesh_size, dtype=np.int32) return default_mesh
# TODO maybe rename this to j_deprecated and only warn about deprecated keys, # TODO if the deprecated_key argument is left empty function puppose is only custom # TODO error since dict[key] already raises KeyError when the key is missing
[docs]def j_must_have( jdata: Dict[str, "_DICT_VAL"], key: str, deprecated_key: List[str] = [] ) -> "_DICT_VAL": """Assert that supplied dictionary conaines specified key. Returns ------- _DICT_VAL value that was store unde supplied key Raises ------ RuntimeError if the key is not present """ if key not in jdata.keys(): for ii in deprecated_key: if ii in jdata.keys(): warnings.warn(f"the key {ii} is deprecated, please use {key} instead") return jdata[ii] else: raise RuntimeError(f"json database must provide key {key}") else: return jdata[key]
[docs]def j_loader(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Load yaml or json settings file. Parameters ---------- filename : Union[str, Path] path to file Returns ------- Dict[str, Any] loaded dictionary Raises ------ TypeError if the supplied file is of unsupported type """ filepath = Path(filename) if filepath.suffix.endswith("json"): with as fp: return json.load(fp) elif filepath.suffix.endswith(("yml", "yaml")): with as fp: return yaml.safe_load(fp) else: raise TypeError("config file must be json, or yaml/yml")
# TODO port completely to pathlib when all callers are ported
[docs]def expand_sys_str(root_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: """Recursively iterate over directories taking those that contain `type.raw` file. Parameters ---------- root_dir : Union[str, Path] starting directory Returns ------- List[str] list of string pointing to system directories """ root_dir = DPPath(root_dir) matches = [str(d) for d in root_dir.rglob("*") if (d / "type.raw").is_file()] if (root_dir / "type.raw").is_file(): matches.append(str(root_dir)) return matches
[docs]def get_np_precision(precision: "_PRECISION") -> np.dtype: """Get numpy precision constant from string. Parameters ---------- precision : _PRECISION string name of numpy constant or default Returns ------- np.dtype numpy presicion constant Raises ------ RuntimeError if string is invalid """ if precision == "default": return GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION elif precision == "float16": return np.float16 elif precision == "float32": return np.float32 elif precision == "float64": return np.float64 else: raise RuntimeError(f"{precision} is not a valid precision")