Source code for deepmd_utils.model_format.output_def

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from typing import (

[docs]def check_shape( shape: List[int], def_shape: List[int], ): """Check if the shape satisfies the defined shape.""" assert len(shape) == len(def_shape) if def_shape[-1] == -1: if list(shape[:-1]) != def_shape[:-1]: raise ValueError(f"{shape[:-1]} shape not matching def {def_shape[:-1]}") else: if list(shape) != def_shape: raise ValueError(f"{shape} shape not matching def {def_shape}")
[docs]def check_var(var, var_def): if var_def.atomic: # var.shape == [nf, nloc, *var_def.shape] if len(var.shape) != len(var_def.shape) + 2: raise ValueError(f"{var.shape[2:]} length not matching def {var_def.shape}") check_shape(list(var.shape[2:]), var_def.shape) else: # var.shape == [nf, *var_def.shape] if len(var.shape) != len(var_def.shape) + 1: raise ValueError(f"{var.shape[1:]} length not matching def {var_def.shape}") check_shape(list(var.shape[1:]), var_def.shape)
[docs]def model_check_output(cls): """Check if the output of the Model is consistent with the definition. Two methods are assumed to be provided by the Model: 1. Model.output_def that gives the output definition. 2. Model.__call__ that defines the forward path of the model. """ class wrapper(cls): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = self.output_def() def __call__( self, *args, **kwargs, ): ret = cls.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) for kk in dd =[kk] check_var(ret[kk], dd) if dd.reduciable: rk = get_reduce_name(kk) check_var(ret[rk],[rk]) if dd.differentiable: dnr, dnc = get_deriv_name(kk) check_var(ret[dnr],[dnr]) check_var(ret[dnc],[dnc]) return ret return wrapper
[docs]def fitting_check_output(cls): """Check if the output of the Fitting is consistent with the definition. Two methods are assumed to be provided by the Fitting: 1. Fitting.output_def that gives the output definition. 2. Fitting.__call__ defines the forward path of the fitting. """ class wrapper(cls): def __init__( self, *args, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = self.output_def() def __call__( self, *args, **kwargs, ): ret = cls.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) for kk in dd =[kk] check_var(ret[kk], dd) return ret return wrapper
[docs]class OutputVariableDef: """Defines the shape and other properties of the one output variable. It is assume that the fitting network output variables for each local atom. This class defines one output variable, including its name, shape, reducibility and differentiability. Parameters ---------- name Name of the output variable. Notice that the xxxx_redu, xxxx_derv_c, xxxx_derv_r are reserved names that should not be used to define variables. shape The shape of the variable. e.g. energy should be [1], dipole should be [3], polarizabilty should be [3,3]. reduciable If the variable is reduced. differentiable If the variable is differentiated with respect to coordinates of atoms and cell tensor (pbc case). Only reduciable variable are differentiable. """ def __init__( self, name: str, shape: List[int], reduciable: bool = False, differentiable: bool = False, atomic: bool = True, ): = name self.shape = list(shape) self.atomic = atomic self.reduciable = reduciable self.differentiable = differentiable if not self.reduciable and self.differentiable: raise ValueError("only reduciable variable are differentiable")
[docs]class FittingOutputDef: """Defines the shapes and other properties of the fitting network outputs. It is assume that the fitting network output variables for each local atom. This class defines all the outputs. Parameters ---------- var_defs List of output variable definitions. """ def __init__( self, var_defs: List[OutputVariableDef], ): self.var_defs = { vv for vv in var_defs} def __getitem__( self, key: str, ) -> OutputVariableDef: return self.var_defs[key]
[docs] def get_data(self) -> Dict[str, OutputVariableDef]: return self.var_defs
[docs] def keys(self): return self.var_defs.keys()
[docs]class ModelOutputDef: """Defines the shapes and other properties of the model outputs. The model reduce and differentiate fitting outputs if applicable. If a variable is named by foo, then the reduced variable is called foo_redu, the derivative w.r.t. coordinates is called foo_derv_r and the derivative w.r.t. cell is called foo_derv_c. Parameters ---------- fit_defs Definition for the fitting net output """ def __init__( self, fit_defs: FittingOutputDef, ): self.def_outp = fit_defs self.def_redu = do_reduce(self.def_outp) self.def_derv_r, self.def_derv_c = do_derivative(self.def_outp) self.var_defs: Dict[str, OutputVariableDef] = {} for ii in [ self.def_outp.get_data(), self.def_redu, self.def_derv_c, self.def_derv_r, ]: self.var_defs.update(ii) def __getitem__( self, key: str, ) -> OutputVariableDef: return self.var_defs[key]
[docs] def get_data( self, key: str, ) -> Dict[str, OutputVariableDef]: return self.var_defs
[docs] def keys(self): return self.var_defs.keys()
[docs] def keys_outp(self): return self.def_outp.keys()
[docs] def keys_redu(self): return self.def_redu.keys()
[docs] def keys_derv_r(self): return self.def_derv_r.keys()
[docs] def keys_derv_c(self): return self.def_derv_c.keys()
[docs]def get_reduce_name(name: str) -> str: return name + "_redu"
[docs]def get_deriv_name(name: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: return name + "_derv_r", name + "_derv_c"
[docs]def do_reduce( def_outp: FittingOutputDef, ) -> Dict[str, OutputVariableDef]: def_redu: Dict[str, OutputVariableDef] = {} for kk, vv in def_outp.get_data().items(): if vv.reduciable: rk = get_reduce_name(kk) def_redu[rk] = OutputVariableDef( rk, vv.shape, reduciable=False, differentiable=False, atomic=False ) return def_redu
[docs]def do_derivative( def_outp: FittingOutputDef, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, OutputVariableDef], Dict[str, OutputVariableDef]]: def_derv_r: Dict[str, OutputVariableDef] = {} def_derv_c: Dict[str, OutputVariableDef] = {} for kk, vv in def_outp.get_data().items(): if vv.differentiable: rkr, rkc = get_deriv_name(kk) def_derv_r[rkr] = OutputVariableDef( rkr, vv.shape + [3], # noqa: RUF005 reduciable=False, differentiable=False, ) def_derv_c[rkc] = OutputVariableDef( rkc, vv.shape + [3, 3], # noqa: RUF005 reduciable=True, differentiable=False, ) return def_derv_r, def_derv_c