



High-level Deep Evaluator interface.


Potential energy model.


calc_model_devi(coord, box, atype, models[, fname, ...])

Python interface to calculate model deviation.

DeepPotential(→ deep_eval.DeepEval)

Factory function that forwards to DeepEval (for compatibility).

Package Contents#

class deepmd.infer.DeepEval(model_file: str, *args: Any, auto_batch_size: bool | int | deepmd.utils.batch_size.AutoBatchSize = True, neighbor_list: ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: abc.ABC

High-level Deep Evaluator interface.

The specific DeepEval, such as DeepPot and DeepTensor, should inherit from this class. This class provides a high-level interface on the top of the low-level interface.


The name of the frozen model file.


Positional arguments.

auto_batch_sizebool or int or AutoBatchSize, default: True

If True, automatic batch size will be used. If int, it will be used as the initial batch size.

neighbor_listase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, optional

The ASE neighbor list class to produce the neighbor list. If None, the neighbor list will be built natively in the model.


Keyword arguments.

property output_def: deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.ModelOutputDef#

Returns the output variable definitions.

get_rcut() float[source]#

Get the cutoff radius of this model.

get_ntypes() int[source]#

Get the number of atom types of this model.

get_type_map() list[str][source]#

Get the type map (element name of the atom types) of this model.

get_dim_fparam() int[source]#

Get the number (dimension) of frame parameters of this DP.

get_dim_aparam() int[source]#

Get the number (dimension) of atomic parameters of this DP.

_get_natoms_and_nframes(coords: numpy.ndarray, atom_types: numpy.ndarray, mixed_type: bool = False) tuple[int, int][source]#
_expande_atype(atype: numpy.ndarray, nframes: int, mixed_type: bool)[source]#
eval_descriptor(coords: numpy.ndarray, cells: numpy.ndarray | None, atom_types: numpy.ndarray, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, mixed_type: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) numpy.ndarray[source]#

Evaluate descriptors by using this DP.


The coordinates of atoms. The array should be of size nframes x natoms x 3


The cell of the region. If None then non-PBC is assumed, otherwise using PBC. The array should be of size nframes x 9


The atom types The list should contain natoms ints


The frame parameter. The array can be of size : - nframes x dim_fparam. - dim_fparam. Then all frames are assumed to be provided with the same fparam.


The atomic parameter The array can be of size : - nframes x natoms x dim_aparam. - natoms x dim_aparam. Then all frames are assumed to be provided with the same aparam. - dim_aparam. Then all frames and atoms are provided with the same aparam.


The external field on atoms. The array should be of size nframes x natoms x 3


Whether to perform the mixed_type mode. If True, the input data has the mixed_type format (see doc/model/, in which frames in a system may have different natoms_vec(s), with the same nloc.



eval_typeebd() numpy.ndarray[source]#

Evaluate output of type embedding network by using this model.


The output of type embedding network. The shape is [ntypes, o_size], where ntypes is the number of types, and o_size is the number of nodes in the output layer.


If the model does not enable type embedding.

See also

The type embedding network.


Get the output of type embedding network of graph.pb:

>>> from deepmd.infer import DeepPotential
>>> dp = DeepPotential("graph.pb")
>>> dp.eval_typeebd()
_standard_input(coords, cells, atom_types, fparam, aparam, mixed_type)[source]#
get_sel_type() list[int][source]#

Get the selected atom types of this model.

Only atoms with selected atom types have atomic contribution to the result of the model. If returning an empty list, all atom types are selected.

_get_sel_natoms(atype) int[source]#
property has_efield: bool#

Check if the model has efield.

property has_spin: bool#

Check if the model has spin.

get_ntypes_spin() int[source]#

Get the number of spin atom types of this model. Only used in old implement.

get_model_def_script() dict[source]#

Get model definition script.

class deepmd.infer.DeepPot(model_file: str, *args: Any, auto_batch_size: bool | int | deepmd.utils.batch_size.AutoBatchSize = True, neighbor_list: ase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList | None = None, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: deepmd.infer.deep_eval.DeepEval

Potential energy model.


The name of the frozen model file.


Positional arguments.

auto_batch_sizebool or int or AutoBatchSize, default: True

If True, automatic batch size will be used. If int, it will be used as the initial batch size.

neighbor_listase.neighborlist.NewPrimitiveNeighborList, optional

The ASE neighbor list class to produce the neighbor list. If None, the neighbor list will be built natively in the model.


Keyword arguments.


>>> from deepmd.infer import DeepPot
>>> import numpy as np
>>> dp = DeepPot("graph.pb")
>>> coord = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.5], [1, 0, 3]]).reshape([1, -1])
>>> cell = np.diag(10 * np.ones(3)).reshape([1, -1])
>>> atype = [1, 0, 1]
>>> e, f, v = dp.eval(coord, cell, atype)

where e, f and v are predicted energy, force and virial of the system, respectively.

property output_def: deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.ModelOutputDef#

Get the output definition of this model.

property output_def_mag: deepmd.dpmodel.output_def.ModelOutputDef#

Get the output definition of this model with magnetic parts.

eval(coords: numpy.ndarray, cells: numpy.ndarray | None, atom_types: list[int] | numpy.ndarray, atomic: Literal[True], fparam: numpy.ndarray | None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None, mixed_type: bool, **kwargs: Any) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray][source]#
eval(coords: numpy.ndarray, cells: numpy.ndarray | None, atom_types: list[int] | numpy.ndarray, atomic: Literal[False], fparam: numpy.ndarray | None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None, mixed_type: bool, **kwargs: Any) tuple[numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray]
eval(coords: numpy.ndarray, cells: numpy.ndarray | None, atom_types: list[int] | numpy.ndarray, atomic: bool, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None, mixed_type: bool, **kwargs: Any) tuple[numpy.ndarray, Ellipsis]

Evaluate energy, force, and virial. If atomic is True, also return atomic energy and atomic virial.


The coordinates of the atoms, in shape (nframes, natoms, 3).


The cell vectors of the system, in shape (nframes, 9). If the system is not periodic, set it to None.

atom_typeslist[int] or np.ndarray

The types of the atoms. If mixed_type is False, the shape is (natoms,); otherwise, the shape is (nframes, natoms).

atomicbool, optional

Whether to return atomic energy and atomic virial, by default False.

fparamnp.ndarray, optional

The frame parameters, by default None.

aparamnp.ndarray, optional

The atomic parameters, by default None.

mixed_typebool, optional

Whether the atom_types is mixed type, by default False.

**kwargsdict[str, Any]

Keyword arguments.


The energy of the system, in shape (nframes,).


The force of the system, in shape (nframes, natoms, 3).


The virial of the system, in shape (nframes, 9).


The atomic energy of the system, in shape (nframes, natoms). Only returned when atomic is True.


The atomic virial of the system, in shape (nframes, natoms, 9). Only returned when atomic is True.

deepmd.infer.calc_model_devi(coord, box, atype, models, fname=None, frequency=1, mixed_type=False, fparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, aparam: numpy.ndarray | None = None, real_data: dict | None = None, atomic: bool = False, relative: float | None = None, relative_v: float | None = None)[source]#

Python interface to calculate model deviation.

coordnumpy.ndarray, n_frames x n_atoms x 3

Coordinates of system to calculate

boxnumpy.ndarray or None, n_frames x 3 x 3

Box to specify periodic boundary condition. If None, no pbc will be used

atypenumpy.ndarray, n_atoms x 1

Atom types

modelslist of DeepPot models

Models used to evaluate deviation

fnamestr or None

File to dump results, default None


Steps between frames (if the system is given by molecular dynamics engine), default 1


Whether the input atype is in mixed_type format or not


frame specific parameters


atomic specific parameters

real_datadict, optional

real data to calculate RMS real error

atomicbool, default: False

If True, calculate the force model deviation of each atom.

relativefloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of force. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the force.

relative_vfloat, default: None

If given, calculate the relative model deviation of virial. The value is the level parameter for computing the relative model deviation of the virial.

model_devinumpy.ndarray, n_frames x 8

Model deviation results. The first column is index of steps, the other 7 columns are max_devi_v, min_devi_v, avg_devi_v, max_devi_f, min_devi_f, avg_devi_f, devi_e.


>>> from import calc_model_devi
>>> from import DeepPot as DP
>>> import numpy as np
>>> coord = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.5], [1, 0, 3]]).reshape([1, -1])
>>> cell = np.diag(10 * np.ones(3)).reshape([1, -1])
>>> atype = [1, 0, 1]
>>> graphs = [DP("graph.000.pb"), DP("graph.001.pb")]
>>> model_devi = calc_model_devi(coord, cell, atype, graphs)
deepmd.infer.DeepPotential(*args, **kwargs) deep_eval.DeepEval[source]#

Factory function that forwards to DeepEval (for compatibility).


positional arguments


keyword arguments

